Let’s start with the basics.
Smart speakers are a home for voice assistants. Just like Siri on your iPhone or Google Assistant on your Android, you can almost treat these assistants like a person. Ask it to play a specific song, about a bit of pop culture triva or to set an alarm, and it will.
Although it's often embarrassing to start talking to your phone in public, the same social pressures don't exist in the home where you can be as weird as you like with your new robot pal.
So which one should you buy? Here's the low down on the various digital assistant speakers on offer. Let's find out which is right for you.
How big a speaker do you want? Google and Amazon offer plenty of choices. Small, affordable, puck-shaped speakers like the
Home Mini and Echo Dot let you try out digital assistants without spending too much. But you wouldn’t use them as a hifi.
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