I also checked it out. What Bitdefender free page shows about features being available on the free version is available on it.
The UI is similar to Kaspersky Free in a sense that paid feature settings are visible but locked. The installer is the same as the paid one. It downloads everything. Even features that are not available. Previous BD free only downloaded features that were available to it. So clearly this BD free is a rushed decision.
On access protection, web protection, behavior blocker, exploit protection are mainly the features available on this. But sadly, like the previous BD free, AMSI integration is not present. As shown by
@SecureKongo above, Scan script feature is locked. This one is BD's AMSI integration. Scripts will still be scanned and detected, but the lack of AMSI should mean lower protection. But then again, I found this to be disabled by default even in the paid products the last time I tested. So.....

It's tough to compete against Avast/AVG and Kaspersky free in terms of features.