- Aug 17, 2017
- 1,610
A Finnish startup called Flow Computing is making one of the wildest claims ever heard in silicon engineering: by adding its proprietary companion chip, any CPU can instantly double its performance, increasing to as much as 100x with software tweaks. If it works, it could help the industry keep up with the insatiable compute demand of AI makers.
Flow is a spinout of VTT, a Finland state-backed research organization that’s a bit like a national lab. The chip technology it’s commercializing, which it has branded the Parallel Processing Unit, is the result of research performed at that lab (though VTT is an investor, the IP is owned by Flow).
The claim, Flow is first to admit, is laughable on its face. You can’t just magically squeeze extra performance out of CPUs across architectures and code bases. If so, Intel or AMD or whoever would have done it years ago. But Flow has been working on something that has been theoretically possible — it’s just that no one has been able to pull it off.
Central Processing Units have come a long way since the early days of vacuum tubes and punch cards, but in some fundamental ways they’re still the same. Their primary limitation is that as serial rather than parallel processors, they can only do one thing at a time. Of course, they switch that thing a billion times a second across multiple cores and pathways — but these are all ways of accommodating the single-lane nature of the CPU. (A GPU, in contrast, does many related calculations at once but is specialized in certain operations.)

Flow claims it can 100x any CPU's power with its companion chip and some elbow grease | TechCrunch
A Finnish startup called Flow Computing is making one of the wildest claims ever heard in silicon engineering: by adding its proprietary companion chip,