More Vipre scare tactics aimed at Kaspersky customers? Do you still trust Kaspersky or VIPRE?

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Level 18
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Top Poster
Apr 13, 2014
Kaspersky Lab Used by Russia as a Tool to Spy on the U.S.

Recent reports by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post detail Kaspersky Lab’s connections to the Russian government.

Software from Russian-based Kaspersky Lab has been used to steal sensitive and classified National Security Agency (NSA) data from an NSA contractor’s personal computer, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The 2015 hack apparently happened when the contractor took the data from the NSA and loaded it onto his computer, which contained Kaspersky antivirus software. Allegedly, the software enabled Russian hackers to see his files. The hack has not been disclosed by the government, noted the Wall Street Journal.

The Washington Post reported that the contractor, a U.S. citizen born in Vietnam, worked for the division of the NSA that creates tools to break into computers overseas for the purpose of gathering intelligence. The employee, who was sacked in 2015, probably did not take the materials for malicious purposes such as handing them to a foreign spy agency, The Washington Post noted.

A New York Times article details how Israeli intelligence officers looked on in real time as Russian government hackers searched computers for the code names of American intelligence programs.

Interestingly, neither the Wall Street Journal nor the Washington Post addressed the issue of why the employee took classified information home on his laptop.

Equally as interesting, the reports provide no information about how an NSA employee’s laptop could be hacked so easily, nor why it took a year for the hack to be disclosed. Plus, neither newspaper provided any evidence of Kaspersky Lab working directly for the Russian secret service.

In a statement, Kaspersky said:

“Kaspersky Lab has not been provided any evidence substantiating the company’s involvement in the alleged incident reported by the Wall Street Journal on October 5, 2017, and it is unfortunate that news coverage of unproven claims continue to perpetuate accusations about the company.

“However, as the trustworthiness and integrity of our products are fundamental to our business, we are seriously concerned about the article’s implications that attackers may have exploited our software. We reiterate our willingness to work alongside U.S. authorities to address any concerns they may have about our products and respectfully request any relevant information that would enable the company to begin an investigation at the earliest opportunity.

“As a private company, Kaspersky Lab does not have inappropriate ties to any government, including Russia, and the only conclusion seems to be that Kaspersky Lab is caught in the middle of a geopolitical fight.”

Last month, the U.S. Government, Best Buy, and Office Depot suspended business with Kaspersky, as we reported in a blog.

Well....What do you all think?
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Level 17
Top Poster
Apr 5, 2017
Is this not the same as we have all been discussing for the last couple of weeks ? Maybe i'm wrong (which is highly likely :confused:) but my view still stands, unless someone can prove categorically that Kaspersky colluded with the Russian government then yes i will still trust them. Don't know anything about vipre really but going by the comments, they are not to be trusted.
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Level 18
Top Poster
Content Creator
Nov 15, 2016
The company i work for uses Vipre unfortunately. Even though there are companies out there twice as good but i can never convince anyone of switching (laziness on the part of my fellow coworkers). So I'm stuck with it. I can tell you that i am personally getting tired of seeing emails like this one from Vipre. Trying to convince people that Kaspersky is evil. Sad thing is its actually working for my coworkers though. They believe anything Vipre sends them since they have been dealing with them for so long. I on the other hand never got around to appreciating anything Vipre offers and this crap their doing makes it even worse.


Level 18
Thread author
Top Poster
Apr 13, 2014
Got an email from Vipre this morning, directing me to another new deal :eek:

"Kreeped Out by Kaspersky Ties to the Kremlin?

The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and New York Times have all reported that software from Kaspersky Lab was used by the Russian government as a tool for espionage.

A security solution is supposed to bring you comfort and peace of mind—and most of all, keep you safe from this very sort of intrusion! If an incident like this has you feeling unsettled, don’t panic. Switch to VIPRE today for the highest-rated antivirus and anti-malware solution, headquartered right here in the United States, right now available for up to $35 off!*

Don’t be a victim. Bite back against malware—and foreign spies!—with VIPRE!

Switch to VIPRE - VIPRE

Just sad. a much better company when it was Sunbelt.:cry:


Level 35
Top Poster
Jul 6, 2017


Vipre's tactics may be dirty pool, but it's business. Sheer opportunistic business and nothing illegal about it. To many of us, this is repugnant and inflammatory. To Vipre, it's like digging for rocks and hitting a perfect vein of gold--strike while it's hot. I know, right?


Level 59
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Content Creator
Dec 30, 2012
As you all probably noticed (for it was not very difficult to notice) in September-October, the American press has openly persecuted our company. The waterfall of the accusations hit us. It has not been a week that the next bloomberg media giant has not rolled out the latest libel about Russian hackers and the Kremlin's hand, who in some unknown way through our products spy on American users and hunt for their secrets.

The media attack was massive, well-organized and large-caliber - for some time it was necessary to "sit out in the trench". But now it's been almost a whole week without major raids, you can get up, answer all these accusations and ask your questions. Right now, since the respite is obviously short. In late October and early November, regular hearings are scheduled for the US Congress and I do not rule out that the American media artillery will start talking again.

So, what was that.

It all began a long time ago, even in the distant 1990s, when we timidly entered the US market. Even then, some American competitors were concerned and began to whisper to customers about our origins, about "KGB agents and Moscow's long arm". Although what were we then his competitors? So, within the boundaries of the static error - our turnover was hundreds of times smaller than the market leaders. Similar "whisperings" happened and then, but at the level of corporate gossip.

This went on until the beginning of 2010, when charges on a national basis began to appear periodicallyand in the "top-level" press, which I personally had not previously seen in such behavior. Evidence of "the hands of Russian hackers" were based, for example, on the fact that our office in Moscow is "10 miles from the Kremlin." Than not an argument !? Year after year, such articles appeared more and more often, until, at last, this year they turned into a stream of frank paranoia about the links between "Russian state hackers", the Kremlin and your humble servant.

The chronology of events since May of this year:

1. May 9. They talked about the Memorandum of Coates and Sessions, where they warn about the possible dangers of LK products. The memorandum is secret, that there - in details it is not known. But in general - "a terrible ubiquitous antivirus, a danger to national security, the LC can be influenced by the Kremlin."

A hearing in the Senate with intelligence chiefs about Russia's interference in US elections, unexpectedly turned to LK products in sharply negative tones.

The clouds thickened and the first thunder broke in June:

3. June 28. It became known that the FBI is interrogating the employees of the US office of the LC, and the senators want to ban our products in the US public sector.
4. At the same time, June 28 - the senators offered to ban our products in the US Army ( although we never had our software in the US Defense Department ).

And then it went (you can without translation, and so everything is clear):

July 11, Bloomberg's doublet :
5. Why US Officials Are Worried About This Russian Firm.
6.Kaspersky Lab Has Been Working With Russian Intelligence.

7. August 22 : Rob Joyce, President Donald Trump's administration's cybersecurity coordinator, advised by Kaspersky Labs.
8. September 4: NY Times, "The Russian Company That Is Danger to Our Security"
9. September 13: Washington Post, "US moves to ban"

October 5, doublet:
10. Wall Street Journal , "Russian Hackers Stole Data on US Cyberdefense"
11. Washington Post: "Russian government hackers used antivirus software to steal US cyber capabilities"

// then especially ... surprised (it's very soft and politically correct) Washington politicians who admitted that decisions against us are based mainly on information from open sources - that is, "read on the Internet"!


12. October 10 : The New York Times, "NYT: How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World for US Secrets"

October 11, again a doublet:
13. Washington Post, "Israel hacked by Kaspersky, then tipped the NSA that its tools had been breached "
14. Wall Street Journal," Russia Has Turned Kaspersky Software Into Tool for Spying "

We watched such mask-shows this year and not at all on TV. Moreover, I'm sure they are not over yet. The American "top" press has attacked us almost in its entirety - by the way, thanks for branding! - and they lied fantasized they sync as if on command, but were confused at this in detail. Some said that the secret services allegedly shoved their code into our databases, others - that by anonymous rumors we ourselves are a spy for users, yet others - that this is just some potential danger and an unknown threat.

In this case, no factual evidence was presented not once . Not once in the whole history of such raids and accusations! (read - for all 20 years of the company's existence). But it's all clear and obvious - if there were any evidence, we would have been buried long ago! From the markets endured and for much less sins.

Again. The charges against us are serious enough. What are the actual evidence that lie under these accusations? And no at all !

You did not misinterpret. No facts, evidence, no evidence! And it can not be.

When such serious accusations are made, it is customary in a civilized society to present evidence, or at least names / photos of victims. In the case of technical espionage (which include cyberattacks), they provide means of espionage. In the cyber world - the names of modules, the location of the code, its disassembler (or part). Approximately as we have in our reports about the most difficult and interesting incidents (read here ).

In our case, there was nothing of this ( presumption of innocence? No, not heard! ). All accusations are based on "knowledgeable sources close to the topic", plus conversations with anonymous witnesses, plus references to "classified information" and other rumors (roughly like "riding in an elevator and that's what I heard").

What kind of "secret information" can there be and what are "knowledgeable sources" if all our products and updates are on the servers in public access? Buy a box in a nearby supermarket or online any versions - analyze, decompile and disassemble! Though from morning till night and without days off, if there is such a desire.

and records in database updates - there is no mysterious magic here (just like all other software companies). Both products and bases are completely and completely accessible on public servers. Old products and all updates - in backups. If they have at least some undeclared (spyware) functionality that violates the confidentiality of our users' information - tell us the product name, the module name, the address of the suspect code or the update number and the record ID. Only such technical information is accepted for consideration - but we will treat it as seriously as possible, down to an internal investigation. If such information is provided. If it is not - then this means deliberate lies, or else the broadcast of someone else's lies and falsifications.

I repeat the previous thought. Only facts are considered for consideration: names, addresses, dumps, disassembled code. All the rest - known or broadcast lies, rumors, slander, falsification. Regardless of the level and "respect" of the translator.

Again. The behavior of our products is determined solely by the logic of the algorithms in the software modules and the contents of the databases. Last time, a complete audit of the source code for products and database records was conducted in the spring and summer 2015 due to the compromise of our network by the spyware malware "Duku-2". No software bookmarks were found - neither in products, nor in bases and updates. We are conducting a similar audit right now. Moreover, we are ready to invite external observers with expertise in the field of computer security for additional audit. I am absolutely sure that nothing unexpected will be discovered.

I personally answer for the fact that the company's products and updates do not contain any spyware / malicious / undeclared functionality. And I personally declare that all the company's accusations of espionage for [American] users are unsubstantiated paranoia (at best).

Once again, the recent persecution of our company is paranoia, the fire of the Inquisition and the witch hunt .

Yes, our products have the rights to deeply scan the system and files (as well as all the software category "utilities"). Yes, we check files for malicious code. Yes, we specifically monitor and calculate the suspicious behavior of unknown objects in the system - and, in full accordance with the declared functionality , we transfer them to the cloud for further analysis (and only if the corresponding option is included - by the way, almost all existing antiviruses do this). It's all sharpened and optimized exclusively for catching malware, neutralizing and protecting our users, which we do best in the world. Our job is to protect users and their data. Sight, spying, eavesdropping and sniffing are engaged in a variety of spy agencies, which we periodically catch and tell the whole world about it.

Like everything explained in detail? Now, on the merits of the question: what was it and to whom is it profitable? What are the options?

1. Search of competitors.

About this I thought in the first place.

Immediately a similar story arises with the company Huawei, which in early 2010, without any evidence, was accused of backdoors in network equipment and espionage for the exploration of China. Accused for a long time, closely, also using the leading American media. Do not be lazy, google it in the news of 2010-2012. If we compare with accusations in our address - yes there they just have a template of some kind! Standard methodology, about the same words, the same committees, the Congress and so on. All one-to-one.

And then all this took place against the backdrop of a tender for the supply of equipment in a very multi-billion-dollar project "Total Internet Australia" by the National Broadband Network . But some time passed, the tender for the supply was won by Cisco, in the equipment of Huawei the backdoors were never found - and everything calmed down.

In our case, the scale of collisions is comparable, but billions of contracts do not even loom over the horizon. In short, I do not believe in the theory of envious competitors: the scale of the attack does not break with the volume of our business (in general, not just in the US).

2. Political.

All this is very similar to the Soviet single impulse "Pasternak did not read, but I condemn" in its worst manifestations. But our company and I personally always distanced ourselves from politics, therefore this theory does not look convincing either.

3. Disassembly of the Kremlin and the Capitol.

Also a promising topic, but we will somehow be shallow. There are companies richer and more public. Also discarded.

4. I'm here as a deliriumstill offered "international cybercriminal", which paid the Washington lobbyists, etc. Technically, this is possible. Cybernews has enough money, political mechanisms on the Hill and around, too, enough, but for some reason I do not believe. "I do not believe!" (c) Stanislavsky. It would be quite an acute paranoia, but already in my execution.

5. Some unknown and very unfortunate combination of the above theories .

Everything can be. The answer to this riddle is not yet known to us.

One thing is clear, that we crossed the road very seriously. To whom? Why did this happen just now? Why us, and not someone else?

While these questions do not have answers. But sooner or later we will find out what it was and who was behind it. Marinate popcorn with barrels and fasten your seat belts, this is not the end of the story. I'm afraid it's not even the middle. Ahead will be a lot of fun and interesting.

But I once again declare and answer for my words:

The main priority of the company is to protect its users from all kinds of cyber threats, regardless of their origin. And the fact that we do it better than the rest is not our fault, but our merit.

Thank you for your attention,
Sincerely yours,

Что это было? - Nota Bene


‘Witch hunt & Inquisition’: Kaspersky Lab head responds to US spying accusations
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Level 26
Top Poster
Aug 17, 2017
As you all probably noticed (for it was not very difficult to notice) in September-October, the American press has openly persecuted our company. The waterfall of the accusations hit us. It has not been a week that the next bloomberg media giant has not rolled out the latest libel about Russian hackers and the Kremlin's hand, who in some unknown way through our products spy on American users and hunt for their secrets.

The media attack was massive, well-organized and large-caliber - for some time it was necessary to "sit out in the trench". But now it's been almost a whole week without major raids, you can get up, answer all these accusations and ask your questions. Right now, since the respite is obviously short. In late October and early November, regular hearings are scheduled for the US Congress and I do not rule out that the American media artillery will start talking again.

So, what was that.

It all began a long time ago, even in the distant 1990s, when we timidly entered the US market. Even then, some American competitors were concerned and began to whisper to customers about our origins, about "KGB agents and Moscow's long arm". Although what were we then his competitors? So, within the boundaries of the static error - our turnover was hundreds of times smaller than the market leaders. Similar "whisperings" happened and then, but at the level of corporate gossip.

This went on until the beginning of 2010, when charges on a national basis began to appear periodicallyand in the "top-level" press, which I personally had not previously seen in such behavior. Evidence of "the hands of Russian hackers" were based, for example, on the fact that our office in Moscow is "10 miles from the Kremlin." Than not an argument !? Year after year, such articles appeared more and more often, until, at last, this year they turned into a stream of frank paranoia about the links between "Russian state hackers", the Kremlin and your humble servant.

The chronology of events since May of this year:

1. May 9. They talked about the Memorandum of Coates and Sessions, where they warn about the possible dangers of LK products. The memorandum is secret, that there - in details it is not known. But in general - "a terrible ubiquitous antivirus, a danger to national security, the LC can be influenced by the Kremlin."

A hearing in the Senate with intelligence chiefs about Russia's interference in US elections, unexpectedly turned to LK products in sharply negative tones.

The clouds thickened and the first thunder broke in June:

3. June 28. It became known that the FBI is interrogating the employees of the US office of the LC, and the senators want to ban our products in the US public sector.
4. At the same time, June 28 - the senators offered to ban our products in the US Army ( although we never had our software in the US Defense Department ).

And then it went (you can without translation, and so everything is clear):

July 11, Bloomberg's doublet :
5. Why US Officials Are Worried About This Russian Firm.
6.Kaspersky Lab Has Been Working With Russian Intelligence.

7. August 22 : Rob Joyce, President Donald Trump's administration's cybersecurity coordinator, advised by Kaspersky Labs.
8. September 4: NY Times, "The Russian Company That Is Danger to Our Security"
9. September 13: Washington Post, "US moves to ban"

October 5, doublet:
10. Wall Street Journal , "Russian Hackers Stole Data on US Cyberdefense"
11. Washington Post: "Russian government hackers used antivirus software to steal US cyber capabilities"

// then especially ... surprised (it's very soft and politically correct) Washington politicians who admitted that decisions against us are based mainly on information from open sources - that is, "read on the Internet"!


12. October 10 : The New York Times, "NYT: How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World for US Secrets"

October 11, again a doublet:
13. Washington Post, "Israel hacked by Kaspersky, then tipped the NSA that its tools had been breached "
14. Wall Street Journal," Russia Has Turned Kaspersky Software Into Tool for Spying "

We watched such mask-shows this year and not at all on TV. Moreover, I'm sure they are not over yet. The American "top" press has attacked us almost in its entirety - by the way, thanks for branding! - and they lied fantasized they sync as if on command, but were confused at this in detail. Some said that the secret services allegedly shoved their code into our databases, others - that by anonymous rumors we ourselves are a spy for users, yet others - that this is just some potential danger and an unknown threat.

In this case, no factual evidence was presented not once . Not once in the whole history of such raids and accusations! (read - for all 20 years of the company's existence). But it's all clear and obvious - if there were any evidence, we would have been buried long ago! From the markets endured and for much less sins.

Again. The charges against us are serious enough. What are the actual evidence that lie under these accusations? And no at all !

You did not misinterpret. No facts, evidence, no evidence! And it can not be.

When such serious accusations are made, it is customary in a civilized society to present evidence, or at least names / photos of victims. In the case of technical espionage (which include cyberattacks), they provide means of espionage. In the cyber world - the names of modules, the location of the code, its disassembler (or part). Approximately as we have in our reports about the most difficult and interesting incidents (read here ).

In our case, there was nothing of this ( presumption of innocence? No, not heard! ). All accusations are based on "knowledgeable sources close to the topic", plus conversations with anonymous witnesses, plus references to "classified information" and other rumors (roughly like "riding in an elevator and that's what I heard").

What kind of "secret information" can there be and what are "knowledgeable sources" if all our products and updates are on the servers in public access? Buy a box in a nearby supermarket or online any versions - analyze, decompile and disassemble! Though from morning till night and without days off, if there is such a desire.

and records in database updates - there is no mysterious magic here (just like all other software companies). Both products and bases are completely and completely accessible on public servers. Old products and all updates - in backups. If they have at least some undeclared (spyware) functionality that violates the confidentiality of our users' information - tell us the product name, the module name, the address of the suspect code or the update number and the record ID. Only such technical information is accepted for consideration - but we will treat it as seriously as possible, down to an internal investigation. If such information is provided. If it is not - then this means deliberate lies, or else the broadcast of someone else's lies and falsifications.

I repeat the previous thought. Only facts are considered for consideration: names, addresses, dumps, disassembled code. All the rest - known or broadcast lies, rumors, slander, falsification. Regardless of the level and "respect" of the translator.

Again. The behavior of our products is determined solely by the logic of the algorithms in the software modules and the contents of the databases. Last time, a complete audit of the source code for products and database records was conducted in the spring and summer 2015 due to the compromise of our network by the spyware malware "Duku-2". No software bookmarks were found - neither in products, nor in bases and updates. We are conducting a similar audit right now. Moreover, we are ready to invite external observers with expertise in the field of computer security for additional audit. I am absolutely sure that nothing unexpected will be discovered.

I personally answer for the fact that the company's products and updates do not contain any spyware / malicious / undeclared functionality. And I personally declare that all the company's accusations of espionage for [American] users are unsubstantiated paranoia (at best).

Once again, the recent persecution of our company is paranoia, the fire of the Inquisition and the witch hunt .

Yes, our products have the rights to deeply scan the system and files (as well as all the software category "utilities"). Yes, we check files for malicious code. Yes, we specifically monitor and calculate the suspicious behavior of unknown objects in the system - and, in full accordance with the declared functionality , we transfer them to the cloud for further analysis (and only if the corresponding option is included - by the way, almost all existing antiviruses do this). It's all sharpened and optimized exclusively for catching malware, neutralizing and protecting our users, which we do best in the world. Our job is to protect users and their data. Sight, spying, eavesdropping and sniffing are engaged in a variety of spy agencies, which we periodically catch and tell the whole world about it.

Like everything explained in detail? Now, on the merits of the question: what was it and to whom is it profitable? What are the options?

1. Search of competitors.

About this I thought in the first place.

Immediately a similar story arises with the company Huawei, which in early 2010, without any evidence, was accused of backdoors in network equipment and espionage for the exploration of China. Accused for a long time, closely, also using the leading American media. Do not be lazy, google it in the news of 2010-2012. If we compare with accusations in our address - yes there they just have a template of some kind! Standard methodology, about the same words, the same committees, the Congress and so on. All one-to-one.

And then all this took place against the backdrop of a tender for the supply of equipment in a very multi-billion-dollar project "Total Internet Australia" by the National Broadband Network . But some time passed, the tender for the supply was won by Cisco, in the equipment of Huawei the backdoors were never found - and everything calmed down.

In our case, the scale of collisions is comparable, but billions of contracts do not even loom over the horizon. In short, I do not believe in the theory of envious competitors: the scale of the attack does not break with the volume of our business (in general, not just in the US).

2. Political.

All this is very similar to the Soviet single impulse "Pasternak did not read, but I condemn" in its worst manifestations. But our company and I personally always distanced ourselves from politics, therefore this theory does not look convincing either.

3. Disassembly of the Kremlin and the Capitol.

Also a promising topic, but we will somehow be shallow. There are companies richer and more public. Also discarded.

4. I'm here as a deliriumstill offered "international cybercriminal", which paid the Washington lobbyists, etc. Technically, this is possible. Cybernews has enough money, political mechanisms on the Hill and around, too, enough, but for some reason I do not believe. "I do not believe!" (c) Stanislavsky. It would be quite an acute paranoia, but already in my execution.

5. Some unknown and very unfortunate combination of the above theories .

Everything can be. The answer to this riddle is not yet known to us.

One thing is clear, that we crossed the road very seriously. To whom? Why did this happen just now? Why us, and not someone else?

While these questions do not have answers. But sooner or later we will find out what it was and who was behind it. Marinate popcorn with barrels and fasten your seat belts, this is not the end of the story. I'm afraid it's not even the middle. Ahead will be a lot of fun and interesting.

But I once again declare and answer for my words:

The main priority of the company is to protect its users from all kinds of cyber threats, regardless of their origin. And the fact that we do it better than the rest is not our fault, but our merit.

Thank you for your attention,
Sincerely yours,

Что это было? - Nota Bene


‘Witch hunt & Inquisition’: Kaspersky Lab head responds to US spying accusations
Very compelling post venustus, thank you. Have to have a night to absorb this fully.

ForgottenSeer 58943

Here Vipre goes again.........:rolleyes:
Give it a rest, GFI. You're an "also ran" at best.:cautious:

Kaspersky’s Days in the U.S. May be Numbered as Companies Pull the Plug on the Moscow-Based Security Software - VIPRE
:ROFLMAO: more fear mongering......

I wouldn't run that trash software if they gave me a dozen lifetime licenses for free. Don't worry, Vypre has been working very hard to court US Govt. contracts. They even opened an office in VA just for this purpose. Anyone that was any good at Vypre left it after GFI purchased it. Now it's just a half-baked product using Bit Defender signatures that can't even score close to Bit Defender.

Funny thing, despite everyone saying Kaspersky is doomed, I still see it sold everywhere. I still see companies installing it. We've still run into firms deploying it. ZyXEL still ships their UTM's with it. So Best Buy doesn't carry it? I wasn't even sure Best Buy was still in business!

All of this makes me want to run out and buy a bunch of Kaspersky licenses to be honest.. One of my buddies just swapped his entire company over to Kaspersky BECAUSE of this nonsense.. What a rebel, right? :ROFLMAO:


Level 17
Top Poster
Apr 5, 2017
Here Vipre goes again.........:rolleyes:
Give it a rest, GFI. You're an "also ran" at best.:cautious:

Kaspersky’s Days in the U.S. May be Numbered as Companies Pull the Plug on the Moscow-Based Security Software - VIPRE
:ROFLMAO: more fear mongering......

Corporate flight from Kaspersky software follows on the heels of the U.S. government’s directive concerning the company’s possible involvement in state-sponsored cyber espionage.

And the operative word for me in that opening statement from Vipre is underlined in red (by me) ;)
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