- Mar 15, 2011
- 13,070
This morning Mozilla has made version 4.2a1pre available on the Mozilla Nightly website, under their "Minefield" branding. In an effort to speed up their development cycle, we should see Firefox 5 by the last week of June.
#644139 [Toolkit:Build Config]-mozapps/preferences no longer included in omni.jar (Change Master Password dialog doesn't work) [All]
#644164 [Core:Build Config]-make configure depend on the various version files [Win]
#638292 [Toolkit:Add-ons Manager]-InstallTrigger is not defined when a new page is opened by clicking a link with target="_blank" or using window.open [All]
#639090 [Toolkit:Startup and Profile System]-Safe Mode dialog doesn't allow the user to restart in normal mode [All]
Partial Landings/WIPs/Incoming:
#636190 [mozilla.org:Release Engineering]-Change firefox version on mozilla-central to 4.2a1pre [All]
#259861 [Core:XBL]-Should log errors on bindings with no id attribute [Lin]
#457102 [CoreOM]-kill nsIXPointer [Mac]
#585786 [Core:XPConnect]-Get rid of slimwrapper checks in quickstubs when we can [Mac]
#595785 [Toolkitownload Manager]-Getting a download's nsIChannel appears unreliable [All]
#601332 [Core:Layout]-Sunspider 0.9.1 never paints its subframe [Win]
#614145 [Core:XPConnect]-Fast-path null return values in quickstubs [Mac]
[BACKOUT]#617339 [Core:HTML: Parser]-window.arguments is undefined when opening an HTML file with a long-ish comment at the start. [Mac]
#632904 [Core:Editor]-Editor/IME/spellcheck use content states when they mean IsEditable() [All]
#636336 [CoreOM: Core & HTML]-img/video/audio/source.setAttribute()/getAttribute() on src trims whitespace [All]
#637644 [CoreOM: Core & HTML]-adding elements through javascript to Popup windows does not work. [All]
#643429 [Core:Geolocation]-Remove IsBetterLocation functionality [Mac]
#640201 [Core:Geolocation]-mGeolocation should NOT be set before Init() is called [All]