I appreciate your input, but I still want to respond...
I don't manipulate my videos or samples. I spend a lot of time searching for links and malware samples (execution, analysis, etc.) to determine whether they are false positives or not, especially to see if the sample really has active payload. In the beginning, I wasn't always careful because I took less time to analyze them, but now I invest a lot of time in handling all of this.
It's true that I'm not a professional, and I never will be. I don't want that, and I don't want it to take over my personal life or (hopefully soon) my professional life. Making videos is a hobby that I really enjoy sharing with you all.
Unfortunately, I have my reasons for not giving any credit to AV-Comparatives, and they're not the only ones—AV-Tests as well. The only one I often trust and follow is
@Adrian Ścibor (I appreciate what he does, and I've said that before), but I'm the type to test things myself