I use RoboForm password manager It can use 2fa along with the passwords, but Would I be better to use separate 2fa for security ? Because I was thinking if RoboForm got hacked then the hacker's might get my password's and 2fa codes,
It's always a good practice to use separate 2FA for added security. If your password manager gets hacked, having a separate 2FA will provide an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.
Stay away from cloud based password managers. Lastpass should have been enough for everyone to know, that stuff is not secure.
Keepass portable can be stored on a desktop in a quick to delete folder and a thumb drive for back up and portability, is local only and a much more secure alternative to any of them.
Unfortunately I have used Keepass portable and Keepass and disliked them both, + keepassxc cloud based password managers are really my only choice, RoboForm for me is The best Of the bunch,
Unfortunately I have used Keepass portable and Keepass and disliked them both, + keepassxc cloud based password managers are really my only choice, RoboForm for me is The best Of the bunch,