a painful fact but true: since I started using Bandizip to replace winrar or 7zip, I've never had to use Runbysmartscreen anymore
It became redundant because almost everything has "mark of the web", only except files coming from flash drives
Windows SmartScreen can check only: BAT, CMD, COM, CPL, DLL, EXE, JSE, MSI, OCX, PIF, SCR and VBE files. So if the user opens only these file types + archives via Bandzip (
all downloaded by her/him via a web browser to hard disk), then RunBySmartScreen is not useful. RunBySmartScreen can be also skipped by cautious users, who download & open only safe filetypes like media, photos, etc.. But, most users do not know for sure what they open and many even do not bother to check what is the file extension.
Unfortunately, the malc0ders used to abuse over
250 file types. The most common are files related to MS Office (documents, templates, etc.), several kinds of shortcuts, and scripts (
ignored by SmartScreen). Most of them are blocked by SRP, Outlook Web Access, Gmail, and Adobe Acrobat Reader file extension blacklists. I gathered all those potentially dangerous file types and included them in RunBySmartScreen.