Webroot - PC Agent Release Notes For Version

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Deleted member 2913

It is best not to hard restart system while SD is exiting Shadow Mode, but in rare cases it might be necessary.

Large PM file is a known issue... Webroot published deletion procedure on Webroot forum.
I never exit SD but simply restart the system, is this fine?

And can I exit SD & work normal on system & later restart system, will the work done normal be saved on the system?


It is best not to hard restart system while SD is exiting Shadow Mode, but in rare cases it might be necessary.

Large PM file is a known issue... Webroot published deletion procedure on Webroot forum.

I never exit SD but simply restart the system, is this fine?

And can I exit SD & work normal on system & later restart system, will the work done normal be saved on the system?



Webroot Toolbar:


You will find everything you want to know about WSA at the Webroot Community forum...


Firewall alerts doesn't have block once option. I didn't like this.
Does it alerts for programs installations too?

Webroot has no firewall. The firewall controls are only for outbound connections. Some malwares can disable Windows firewall with Webroot installed. Also some malwares can disable UAC with Webroot installed. Unless Webroot detects malwares by signature, it offers little protections. All protections are based upon file identification essentially.

No alerts.

Comodo offers much better protection - but its AV is weak and web-filtering is weak compared to competition. No problem. Supplement Comodo with good freewares.

Deleted member 2913

Webroot has no firewall. The firewall controls are only for outbound connections. Some malwares can disable Windows firewall with Webroot installed. Also some malwares can disable UAC with Webroot installed. Unless Webroot detects malwares by signature, it offers little protections. All protections are based upon file identification essentially.

No alerts.

Comodo offers much better protection - but its AV is weak and web-filtering is weak compared to competition. No problem. Supplement Comodo with good freewares.
Currently trying security softwares. Yeah Comodo is free & there to revert back to it.

Win FW & UAC can be disabled by malware with any AV installed, right?

You said Webroot doesn't give alerts on program installation. I watched a malware test video done during Nov 2014 & Webroot often displayed alerts like registry modificaion, registry bootup modification, launch at startup?

There is an option in the settings "show safety ratings when using search engines" & its checked but no ratings on the search page?
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Currently trying security softwares. Yeah Comodo is free & there to revert back to it.

Win FW & UAC can be disabled by malware with any AV installed, right?

You said Webroot doesn't give alerts on program installation. I watched a malware test video done during Nov 2014 & Webroot often displayed alerts like registry modificaion, registry bootup modification, launch at startup?

There is an option in the settings "show safety ratings when using search engines" & its checked but no ratings on the search page?

Yes. If it is a well-crafted malware. Even Comodo was partially disabled by one sample I tested. It was a Zbot.

I misunderstood what you meant. Yes. During installation Webroot will notify on certain system modifications... along the lines of Comodo HIPS.

Webroot will show a green check mark next to safe pages on search engine results. Sometimes it worked and other times it did not on my specific system. I do not know if Webroot fixed that issue.

To Webroot's credit, I tested it against cryptomalwares. The file monitoring and journaling did reverse the ones I tested. However, it did not reverse a screenlock ransomware.

I had high hopes for Webroot, but in the end, I had too many issues on my system. More specifically, it messed with Shadow Defender - my number 1 soft.

I really liked Webroot, but until they add some type of outbound firewall notifications for W8.1, I just don't want to use it. Plus, it cannot interfere with Shadow Defender for me to use it.

I think Webroot is very innovative, so I was disappointed with how it performed on my system and what I saw when testing malwares.

I will probably revisit Webroot in the coming months since they've just finished a new round of beta testing.

My golden rule is that any AV must work on my system without issues. The three that work flawlessly with my AMD system are Emsisoft, ESET and Comodo. To be completely honest, v. 7 of Comodo was terrible on my system, but I retried it with v. Wow... what a big improvement.

I am a very low-risk user - even though I test malwares... so Comodo is more than sufficient for me. I have several systems so I am always trying different softs...


Webroot still markets their product as if the firewall controls work on W8/8.1 and 10. That's what I'm talking about.

Both W7 and W8/8.1 users are charged the same amount - but the W8/8.1 has no outbound connection alerts because they do not function. Plus, Webroot makes no mention of this fact anywhere on packaging or points of sale.

Both users pay the same price, but the W8/8.1 user only gets partial functionality... and only discovers it after they have paid for the product and installed it. So Webroot only releases a statement buried on their forum - only after extensive, persistent complaints - and recommends adding a firewall for W8/8.1 - but you just paid $49.99 for WSA and have to purchase additional softs ?

The bottom line: The W8/8.1 and 10 buyers of WSA are not getting what Webroot portrays that they are going to get.

No one sees a problem with this???

Well first and foremost, i did not pay that much for mine..

$29 was it.. Secondly, i am only using the anti virus, not the complete version, because the functions difference between the two, i do not require.

*Secures your smartphones and tablets
*Protects account logins and passwords
*Eliminates traces of online activity
*Makes deleted files unrecoverable
*25GB of secure online storage, accessible from all your devices

In other statements in this thread, you claimed webroot and windows firewall can be bypassed by malware, when webroot is running with windows firewall, which im failing to understand, if the firewall function is being blocked from functioning, which means only windows firewall would be the one blocking.

Do not get me wrong, i am not attacking your word. Im merely pointing out that bashing a product to the point of scaring people away from it is completely unnecessary, as the product is still effective. Maybe not on your machine with a pack of 300 pieces of malware being thrown at it at once and other software and uses, but on every day users machines, with a proper on demand and browser extensions, works just fine.

Now CIS on the other hand, well, when is the last time you tried to run it on a gaming machine? Ever notice the habit of certain files being trusted by half of CIS and not the other half, like say Nvidias backend ect.. Now try throwing an older version of nvidia drivers and experience, guess what, those are not in there either, even though i have watched them being submitted repeatedly on the forums..
After many attempts, and my games not playing like they should or crashing because even though i had whitelisted manually everything from Nvidia, CIS kept blocking parts, making my Nvidia optimization settings fail, i finally gave up on their suite as a solution. It is not practical to "BREAK" software, to have protection.

Bottom line, nothing is 100%, and of you get it close, it is because your system is so locked down, it probably will not be very usuable.

Layered protection, and good surfing habits will carry you far, with out having to run your system in the ground, and without all the headaches of fixing things over and over from entirely too aggressive security suites. Webroot is innovative, very light, updates are done in the cloud, the rollback feature will prove to be handy in almost all cases, and if not, there is always your on demand scanners as back up, which we all recommend every user no matter what they are running..
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Community Manager
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Aug 30, 2012
I've said many times, maybe I'm right maybe I'm wrong but I like to use brain and then Antivirus and other layers of protection.

Discussions are healthy, even the most experienced and knowledgeable users may learn something everyday, but MalwareTips is all about educating the inexperienced. Our removal experts, after cleaning the problematic system, almost every time say some useful tips about how to infection not happen again. Someone may use for example NOD32 Antivirus (very good signatures, detection rate, awesome adware detection and protection) with for example Comodo Firewall 8.2 and lock the system down but if attention drops then infection comes. @Umbra may cook probably more robust layered protection that will completely lock down the system from "anything" unpredictable, but again :

No Combo can protect reckless user. I read everyday the importance of zeroday malware but the probability that you will encounter one is really small, except if you are targeting to find one.

Long story short, If you are using your computer to find, examine and/or play with malware then it's essential to lock system down as much as possible. The main question comes, and it should come whenever a thread in a War Room is opened : What do you do with your PC/Laptop? And then suggest the simplest protection solution according to the user needs.

@illumination made a good point saying that amount of protection may be in opposite correlation with system usability. And that's true. Comodo can cause headaches sometimes when virtualizing the unknown (according to Comodo) and the job of whitelisting everything manually can be exhausting. A full scan may (and I was witnessing when it did) miss some dll's in Program Files (K-Lite Codec Pack).

In my case I am using ESET Smart Security 8, advanced heuristics enabled, unwanted and unsafe files detection enabled, Firewall to Interactive Mode, HIPS to Smart Mode, Document Protection Enabled, Strict cleaning on HDD and Web, Autorun Disabled, UAC enabled and Microsoft Smart Screen enabled. Zemana Lifetime sitting around scanning once every week.
With my laptop using habits I got :
  • Alert for accessing some site advertising adware, toolbars and crap (Uniblue for example)
  • Connection alerts when I install a new program
  • Toolbars being removed from the installers (Burnaware Free, previous versions of CCleaner)
  • Program Modification Detection (always happened when I've updated some media player, torrent client, Chrome, ect...)
  • Smart Screen Alert when trying to execute something (like Codec Pack update) that was released <2 hours ago. And in that, Microsoft Smart screen is almost perfect in saying what is new and not commonly downloaded/executed.
  • ESET HIPS sometimes when updating the software
  • Some friend's infected USB Flash Drives.
And that's it.
I am feeling comfortable with this setup and frequency of alerts, staying light but still protected.

And last thing. Considering Webroot. Microsoft doesn't allow modification at that level of Firewall control in Windows 8 and above. It's not a Webroot's fault. It's not possible to provide something that Windows prohibits to allow. F-Secure Internet Security had the similar problem but they changed their API for control.
Solution : If you don't feel secure with Windows Firewall (which is pretty solid when coming to network protection) then disable it and use third party firewall which will completely disable Windows's.

Thank you for reading :)



I am not bashing Webroot - just making statements of fact regarding my experience with the product.

I stated the problems were specific to my system.

As far as CIS on gaming system - I have no basis for judgment - since I do not play games.

Other users should install Webroot and make their own judgment regarding the quality of WSA.

The issue is NOT that Webroot cannot fix the firewall controls.

The issue with Webroot is that they do not tell W8/8.1 and 10 users that WSA firewall controls do not function on those OS - before they make the purchase. The buyer only finds out after they've paid and installed the product. The buyer is then sorely disappointed because Webroot does not work completely.

I can't believe no one finds that problematic.

Best Regards,


MalwareTips is all about educating the inexperienced.

That means telling the truth about one's own experience with products... telling people about The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...

In the end, every user should install a soft and decide for themselves.
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Deleted member 178

hjlbx said:
The issue with Webroot is that they do not tell W8/8.1 and 10 users that WSA firewall controls do not function on those OS

Valid point, as i am also a WSA beta-tester , i cant deny this fact , since back then i was also looking for the firewall settings when they released the Win8 version.


Valid point, as i am also a WSA beta-tester , i cant deny this fact , since back then i was also looking for the firewall settings when they released the Win8 version.

Hopefully Webroot will figure out what they are going to do about the firewall alerts on those OS. Tough technical challenge... maybe something along the lines of WFC ? or remove it completely - and let users know this is the case on certain OS.

It's been over 3 years that Webroot has been "exploring" their options...

It would be a positive thing - for Webroot to finalize the issue - wouldn't it?

Thanks @Umbra


Community Manager
Staff Member
Aug 30, 2012
The issue with Webroot is that they do not tell W8/8.1 and 10 users that WSA firewall controls do not function on those OS - before they make the purchase. The buyer only finds out after they've paid and installed the product. The buyer is then sorely disappointed because Webroot does not work completely.
Ah, totally missed that part. Well they should mention that some features will not work in Win8.1 WIn 10 environment...


Ah, totally missed that part. Well they should mention that some features will not work in Win8.1 WIn 10 environment...
It is a good point, and one i just addressed. I personally called webroots sales department, and explained this to them, of which the guy i had spoken to was not aware, and he is going to contact his manager and look into correcting this on the website.
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It is a good point, and one i just addressed. I personally called webroots sales department, and explained this to them, of which the guy i had spoken to was not aware, and he is going to contact his manager and look into correcting this on the website.

Thank you @illumination - that's quite some initiative on your part ! :D

I wouldn't have thought to do that... now we'll have to wait and see what Webroot management decides.

Best Regards,

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Level 64
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Apr 25, 2013
Version (Released July 22nd, 2015)
  • UI for installer screen.
  • Bug fixes.
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Level 22
Jun 14, 2011
Salutations. Friends!

Anybody know if Webroot work with sandboxie? Thinking about installing Webroot? For replacing Winder Defender? Any down-side to Webroot? And Windows 10?

Kind regards,


Level 53
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Aug 2, 2015
Works as it should in Windows 10 Pro x64 no issues (insert smiley here)
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Level 22
Jun 14, 2011
Salutations, Friends!

Do you have to manually disable Windows 10 Firewall and Windows Defender? Before you install?
Anybody know the ram usage? Ect...,?

With problems with Malwarebtyes and/or Sandboxie? Thoughts?

Also, does Webroot provide a removal/uninstall it needed?

Kind regards,
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