If your computer is locked, and you are seeing a “Atenţie! PC-ul Dvs. este blocat din cauza cel puţin a unuia dintre motivele specificate mai jos.” notification from Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice (Poliţia Romana), then your computer is infected with a piece of malware known as Trojan Reveton.
This threat is distributed through several means. Malicious websites, or legitimate websites that have been compromised, may drop this trojan onto a compromised computer. This drive-by-download often happens surreptitiously. Another method used to propagate this type of malware is spam email containing infected attachments or links to malicious websites. The threat may also be downloaded manually by tricking the user into thinking they are installing a useful piece of software. Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus is also prevalent on peer-to-peer file sharing websites and is often packaged with pirated or illegally acquired software.
Once installed on your computer, the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus will display a bogus notification that pretends to be from Politia Romana, and states that your computer has been blocked due to it being involved with the distribution of pornographic material, SPAM and copyrighted content.
The Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus will lock you out of your computer and applications, so whenever you’ll try to log on into your Windows operating system or Safe Mode with Networking, it will display instead a lock screen asking you to pay a non-existing fine of 100 Euro or 300 RON in the form of a Ukash or Paysafecard code.
Furthermore, to make this alert seem more authentic, this virus also has the ability to access your installed webcam, so that the bogus Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice notification shows what is happening in the room.
If your computer is infected with Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus, then you are seeing the below notification:
Cyber criminals often updated the design of this lock screen, however you should always keep in mind that the Romanian police will never lock down your computer or monitor your online activities.
The message displayed by the threat can be localized depending on the user’s location, with text written in the appropriate language:
Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice
structura specializata a Politie Romana in investigarea infractiunilor din domeniul informatic
Atenţie! PC-ul Dvs. este blocat din cauza cel puţin a unuia dintre motivele specificate mai jos.
Dvs. aţi încălcat Legea privind drepturile de autor şi drepturile conexe. (Video, Muzică, Software) prin utilizarea sau distribuirea neautorizată a conţinutului protejat de dreptul de autor, încălcând astfel Articolul 128 din Codul Penal al României.
Articolul 128 din Codul penal prevede o amendă la 200 la 500 de salarii minime sau un privarea de libertate de la 2 la 8 ani.
Dvs ați vizualizat sau distribuit Conținut pornografic interzis (Pedofilia/ Zoofilia și etc).
Astfel dvs ati incălcat articolul 202 din Codul penal al Romaniei.
Articolul 202 din Codul Penal prevede o pedeapsă privativă de libertate de la 4 la 12 ani.
De pe PC-ul Dvs a fost inițiat accesul ilegal la date informatice , sau Dvs ați …
Articolul 208 din Codul penal prevede o amendă de până la RON 100.000 și / sau o măsură privativă de libertate de la 4 la 9 ani.
De la PC-ul dvs a fost initiat accesul ilegal fara stirea sau consimtamantul Dvs, PC-ul poate fi infectat de malware, astfel vi Dvs ati încalcăt legea Privind Utilizarea Neglijenta a Calculatorul Personal.
Articolul 210 din Codul penal prevede o amendă de RON 2.000 la RON 8.000.
De pe Pc-ul Dvs a fost efectuata distribuirea de spam-ului sau o alta publicitate ilegala, in calitate de activitate cu scopul de a obtine profit sau fara stirea Dvs, Pc-ul Dvs poate fii infectat cu progame malware.
Articolul 212 din Codul Penal prevede o amendă de până la RON 250.000 si privare de libertate de până la 6 ani. În cazul în care această activitate a fost efectuată fără știrea Dvs, Dvs cădeti sub incidenta articolului 210 din Codul penal al Romaniei susmentional.
Personalitatea și adresa Dvs sunt deja identificate, în următoarele 72 de ore împotriva Dvs va fi inițiată o cauză penală în temeiul unuia sau mai multor articole specificate mai sus
În conformitate cu amendamentul la Codul Penal al Romaniei din 25 februarie 2013, această încălcare a legii (daca nu este repetată – este comisa pentru prima dată), poate fi considerat ca fiind condiționată, în cazul în care platit amenda Statului.
Amenzile pot fi achitate în termen de cel mult 72 de ore după încălcare.
De îndată ce expira 72 de ore, expira si posibilitatea de a plăta a amenzii, și în următoarele 72 de ore impotriva Dvs va fi initiata o cauza penala in mod automat!
Valoarea amenzii este de RON 300 sau 100 Euro. Dvs puteți achita aceasta amendă prin intermediul Ukash sau Paysafecard.
Dupa achitarea amenzii, PC-ul va fi deblocat în termen de la 1 pana la 72 de la trecerea banilor in contul Statului.
The Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice lock screen is a scam, and you should ignore any alerts that this malicious software might generate.
Under no circumstance should you send any money via Ukash to these cyber criminals, and if you have, you can should request a refund, stating that you are the victim of a computer virus and scam.
Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice lock screen – Virus Removal Guide
This page is a comprehensive guide, which will remove the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice infection from your your computer. Please perform all the steps in the correct order. If you have any questions or doubt at any point, STOP and ask for our assistance.
The Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice will start automatically when you login to your computer and display its screenlocker so that you are unable to access your computer, therefore we will need to remove this infection by using any of the below methods:
OPTION 1: Remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice lock screen virus with System Restore
OPTION 2: Remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus with with HitmanPro Kickstart
OPTION 3: Remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus with Kaspersky Rescue Disk
OPTION 1: Remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice lock screen virus with System Restore
System Restore helps you restore your computer’s system files to an earlier point in time. It’s a way to undo system changes to your computer without affecting your personal files, such as e‑mail, documents, or photos.
Because the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus will not allow you to start the computer in Windows regular mode, we will need to start System Restore from the Safe Mode with Command Prompt mode.
STEP 1: Restore Windows to a previous state using System Restore
- Reboot your computer into Safe Mode with Command Prompt. To do this, turn your computer off and then back on and immediately when you see anything on the screen, start tapping the F8 key on your keyboard.
If you are using Windows 8, the trick is to hold the Shift button and gently tap the F8 key repeatedly, this will sometimes boot you into the new advanced “recovery mode”, where you can choose to see advanced repair options. On the next screen, you will need to click on the Troubleshoot option, then select Advanced Options and select Windows Start-up Settings. Click on the Restart button, and you should now be able to see the Advanced Boot Options screen. - Using the arrow keys on your keyboard, select Safe Mode with Command Prompt and press Enter on your keyboard.
- At the command prompt, type rstrui.exe, and then press ENTER.
Alternatively, if you are using Windows Vista, 7 and 8, you can type: C:\windows\system32\rstrui.exe , and press Enter. And if you are a Windows XP user, type C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe, then press Enter. - System Restore should start, and you will display also a list of restore points. Try using a restore point created just before the date and time the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice lock screen virus has infected your computer.
- When System Restore has completed its task, start your computer in Windows regular mode, and perform a scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and HitmanPro, as seen in the next step.
STEP 2: Remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice malicious files with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free
- You can download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free from the below link, then double-click on the icon named mbam-setup.exe to install this program.
MALWAREBYTES ANTI-MALWARE DOWNLOAD LINK(This link will open a download page in a new window from where you can download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free) - When the installation begins, keep following the prompts in order to continue with the setup process, then at the last screen click on the Finish button.
- On the Scanner tab, select Perform quick scan, and then click on the Scan button to start searching for the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice malicious files.
- Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware will now start scanning your computer for Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus as shown below.
- When the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware scan has finished, click on the Show Results button.
- You will now be presented with a screen showing you the computer infections that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has detected. Make sure that everything is Checked (ticked), then click on the Remove Selected button.
STEP 3: Double-check for the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus with HitmanPro
- You can download HitmanPro from the below link:
HITMANPRO DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a web page from where you can download HitmanPro) - Double-click on the file named HitmanPro.exe (for 32-bit versions of Windows) or HitmanPro_x64.exe (for 64-bit versions of Windows). When the program starts you will be presented with the start screen as shown below.
Click on the Next button, to install HitmanPro on your computer.
- HitmanPro will now begin to scan your computer for Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice malicious files.
- When it has finished it will display a list of all the malware that the program found as shown in the image below. Click on the Next button, to remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus.
- Click on the Activate free license button to begin the free 30 days trial, and remove all the malicious files from your computer.
OPTION 2: Remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus with with HitmanPro Kickstart
If you cannot start your computer into Safe Mode with Command Prompt mode, we can use the HitmanPro Kickstart program to bypass Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice lock screen.
As the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice ransomware infection locks you out of your computer, you will need to create a bootable USB drive that contains the HitmanPro Kickstart program.
We will then boot your computer using this bootable USB drive and use it to clean the infection so that you are able to access Windows normally again.
You will also need a USB drive, which will have all of its data erased and will then be formatted. Therefore, only use a USB drive that does not contain any important data.
- Using a “clean” (non-infected) computer, please download HitmanPro Kickstart from the below link.
HITMANPRO DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a download page in a new web page from where you can download HitmanPro Kickstart) - Once HitmanPro has been downloaded, please insert the USB flash drive that you would like to erase and use for the installation of HitmanPro Kickstart. Then double-click on the file named HitmanPro.exe (for 32-bit versions of Windows) or HitmanPro_x64.exe (for 64-bit versions of Windows).
To create a bootable HitmanPro USB drive, please follow the instructions from this video:
- Now, remove the HitmanPro Kickstart USB drive and insert it into the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice infected computer.
- Once you have inserted the HitmanPro Kickstart USB drive, turn off the infected computer and then turn it on. As soon as you power it on, look for text on the screen that tells you how to access the boot menu.
The keys that are commonly associated with enabling the boot menu are F10, F11 or F12. - Once you determine the proper key (usually the F11 key) that you need to press to access the Boot Menu, restart your computer again and start immediately tapping that key. Next, please perform a scan with HitmanPro Kickstart as shown in the video below.
- HitmanPro will now reboot your computer and Windows should start normally. Then please Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and HitmanPro, and scan your computer for any left over infections.
OPTION 3: Remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus with Kaspersky Rescue Disk
If any of the above methods did not clean your infected computer, we can use a Kaspersky Rescue Disk Bootable to clean the Windows registry and to perform a system scan to remove the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus.
To create a bootable Kaspersky Rescue Disk, we will need the following items:
- A clean (non-infected) computer with Internet access
- A blank DVD or CD
- A computer with a DVD or CD burner
STEP 1: Download and create a bootable Kaspersky Rescue Disk CD
- You can download Kaspersky Rescue Disk utility from link below:
KASPERSKY RESCUE DISK DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will automatically download Kaspersky Rescue Disk kav_rescue_10.iso on your computer.) - To create the bootable rescue disk, we will need to use the ImgBurn program. You can download ImgBurn from the below link, then install this program.
IMGBURN DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a new page from where you can download the ImgBurn program) - Insert your blank DVD or CD in your burner, then start ImgBurn and click on the Write image file to disc button.
- Under Source click on the Browse for file button, then navigate to the location where you previously saved the Kaspersky Rescue Disk utility (kav_rescue_10.iso), then click on the Write button.
That’s it, ImgBurn will now begin writing your bootable Kaspersky Rescue Disk.
STEP 2: Start your computer using the Kaspersky Rescue Disk
- Once you’ve got the Kasperky Rescue Disk in hand, insert it into the infected computer, and turn off and then turn it on again.
- As soon as you power it on, you will see a screen that tells you to press any key to enter the menu, so please tap any key to boot your machine from the Kaspersky Rescue Disk.
- In the next screen, you will need to chose a language, then you click on Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Graphic Mode and press ENTER, to start the Kaspersky Rescue Disk.
STEP 3: Scan your system with Kaspersky Rescue Disk
- Within a few short seconds you should see the full working environment, with the Kaspersky Rescue Disk screen front and center as shown below.
- Switch tabs over to the My Update Center, and then click the Start update button to load the latest anti-virus definitions. Please be patience while this process its completed.
- Switch back over to the Objects Scan tab, select the drives you want to scan, and then click the Start Objects Scan button.
- When Kaspersky Antivirus will detect the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice virus, you’ll be prompted to select an action. When this happens, please select Quarantine or Delete to remove this infection from your computer.
- When the antivirus scan has completed, you can restart back into Windows regular mode, by clicking on the Kaspersky Start button
(lower left corner), and selecting Restart.
Once your computer will start in Windows regular more, download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and HitmanPro, and scan your computer for any left over infections.
Your computer should now be free of the Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice infection. If your current anti-virus solution let this infection through, you may want to consider purchasing the PRO version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future, and perform regular computer scans with HitmanPro.
If you are still experiencing problems while trying to remove Serviciul De Combaterea A Criminalităţii Informatice Ukash virus from your machine, please start a new thread in our Malware Removal Assistance forum.