Hello there, Malwaretipsians!
So, regarding the face of today's web that is filled with ads, trackers and annoyances (not to mention security and phishing threats) we aim to get a harder, better, faster, stronger experience out of it. And we have tools for that such as content blocker, like uBlock Origin and AdGuard Browser Extension (and for more focus on security and phishing threats, you got stuff like Malwarebytes Browser Guard and Emsisoft Browser Security). I like I.T and I'm curious, so I try to get the most efficient, yet reasonably lightweight (and as straightforward as possible) solution that would cover multiple specific scenarios:
- Ad and tracking blocking is actually rather easy to deal with, thanks to AdGuard Browser Extension and uBlock Origin:
- For the trackeers, I use AdGuard Tracking Protection filter & AdGuard URL Tracking filter (with the right suitable version for uBlock Origin)
- For the ads, job is done thanks to the OPTIMIZED version of AdGuard Base filter & AdGuard's insertyourlanguageofchoiceifavailable filter (with the right suitable version for uBlock Origin)
- Annoyances represent a trickier part. Even with the proper filter lists, there're still some cases an annoyance might slip through and then you have to come up with a workaround, be it another add-on, another filter list and so on. Four examples in particular:
- YouTube with the Sign-in and cookie dialogs. One possible workaround is to get a userscript manager and grab something to address it
- Facebook: Either a form of pop-up forcing you to log-in or a cookie dialog. Former can be filtered with the proper filter list (for instance, AdGuard Annoyances filter), latter could be dealt with I don't care about cookies Browser Add-on or perhaps another filter list. I'm not 100% sure but I think uBlock Origin is not able to deal with it as well as AdGuard Browser Extension can
- Twitter: A form of pop-up forcing you to log-in and a cookie banner. Both can be dealt with the proper filter list (for instance, AdGuard Annoyances filter)... But only if you use AdGuard Browser Extension, uBlock Origin will not be able to do the same
- Le Monde: Cookie notice. uBlock Origin's Advanced User mode can be put in use to hide it, however you won't be able to scroll; so it doesn't quite cut it
- Even though I do have a lifetime licence for AdGuard for Windows, I'm currently not using it. When HTTPS Scanning is enabled (and that might not be the best thing to do, see this post and its comments), Internet connection is slower (despite improvements in recent versions) and it might cause conflicts with third-party security software (although it can be fixed by disabling the use of WFP driver in the settings).
Basically, I'm looking for a way to have all this handled by the same Browser Add-on, a way that could work for both uBlock Origin and AdGuard Browser Extension and for all browsers supporting them. Not having to add too many filter lists and/or add-ons would be nice since the idea is to manage all that stuff from an unique place.
If anything I can share what is probably the best result I achieved so far:
- Add-ons in use: AdGuard Browser Extension and an userscript manager (Tampermonkey on Firefox, built-in manager on Vivaldi)
- Filter lists used in AG B E: AdGuard Tracking Protection filter, AdGuard URL Tracking filter, AdGuard Base filter (Optimized), AdGuard French filter (Optimized), AdGuard Annoyances filter, in total less than 100k filtering rules
- (YouTube) Sign-in and cookie dialogs are handled via this userscript
- (Facebook) Form of pop-up forcing you to log-in is dealt with, but the cookie dialog appears (would have to use one more filter list/add-on)
- (Twitter) AG B E handles both the cookie dialog and the form of pop-up forcing you to log-in, while uBlock Origin wouldn't achieve the same result, making current solution not "universal"
- (Le Monde) AdGuard Annoyances filter through AG B E can deal with the cookie notice and website is scrollable, but some elements don't seem to be displayed properly (something like a broken mobile version)
- I'm using NextDNS system-wide and the Emsisoft Browser Security add-on
So yeah, what I'm looking for is to get the most efficient yet straightforward solution, that would require as less add-ons as possible (AdGuard Browser Extension/uBlock Origin being the one "content manager") while being as universal as possible (working on major web browsers, with a reasonable amount of necessary adjustments to account for the different capabilites of the browser engines). I consider both AD B E and uBlock Origin to be quite capable and powerful tools and I want to believe both of them can deal with all these situations, allowing us to not bother with the installation of more stuff. Let's see what you'll come up with 
Thanks in advance for your understanding and participation to this "challenge", and happy clutter-free browsing :3