Uroburos has been around for quite a while now, one of the more sophisticated "state rootkits". Expect more to come, as cyber warfare slowly overtakes "standard", physical warfare.
But some of us are paranoid -checks behind door-, no single AV can detect all strains of malware -checks under bed- we can never be too sure. -Runs 10 on-demand scanners- Are you sure home users aren't affected? -5 of my Antivirus software detected a file on my PC- Am I infected!!?
But some of us are paranoid -checks behind door-, no single AV can detect all strains of malware -checks under bed- we can never be too sure. -Runs 10 on-demand scanners- Are you sure home users aren't affected? -5 of my Antivirus software detected a file on my PC- Am I infected!!?
its okay that rootkit for now it only attacks like littebits said this one go after major enterprises, national institutions, news services and similar targets for now and if you get hit by that rootkit i fix your pc for you just to make you happy and safe