Counterfeit and knock-off products continue to pose a pervasive threat in today's market, impacting both individuals and businesses. The consequences can be severe, whether it's inadvertently purchasing counterfeit medication from a pharmacy or relying on fake brake pads installed by an automotive body shop. Addressing this issue head-on, app developer Alitheon has introduced FeaturePrint, an innovative AI-based application for business that harnesses the power of smartphone cameras to swiftly detect counterfeits, fakes, and knock-offs across a wide range of products.
Alitheon's FeaturePrint app utilizes cutting-edge optical AI software to meticulously analyze the unique surface characteristics of physical objects and convert them into distinct mathematical identities. With just a single photograph, the app unveils the digital footprint associated with each item, eliminating doubts about its authenticity. From car brake pads and circuit boards to precious metals and collectible items, FeaturePrint ensures that no two objects are exactly alike, even if they originate from the same production line. By employing advanced algorithms, the app can accurately distinguish individual items, providing an unprecedented level of verification.