New Update Bulk Rename Utility Updates Thread


Level 25
Thread author
Mar 1, 2024
Homepage: Bulk Rename Utility - Free File Renaming Software

Bulk Rename Utility: file renaming software for Windows. Bulk Rename Utility is free of charge for personal, private use, at home. To use Bulk Rename Utility within a business entity, company or for commercial purposes, a commercial license is required.

Bulk Rename Utility allows you to easily rename files and entire folders based upon extremely flexible criteria.

Add date/time stamps, replace numbers, insert text, convert case, add auto-numbers, process folders and sub-folders... plus a whole lot more! A file renaming studio for Windows.
  • Rename multiple files quickly, according to many flexible criteria. Learn More
  • Rename files in many ways: add, replace, insert text into file names. Convert case, add numbers. Remove or change file extensions.
  • Check the detailed preview before renaming.
  • Rename photos using EXIF metadata (i.e. "Date Picture Taken", "Resolution" and other information embedded in all JPG photo files) Rename your holiday pictures from a meaningless dsc1790.jpg to NewYork1.jpg in a flash.
  • Rename MP3 files using ID3 tags (a.k.a. MP3 ID3 tag renaming).
  • Rename files using Windows File Properties (e.g. media video length, width, height, rate, publisher, etc).
  • Change files' creation and modification time stamps.
  • Easy to Install. Download and start renaming your files now!



Level 25
Thread author
Mar 1, 2024
Bulk Rename Utility
Oct 5, 2024
+ New “Detached Window” option for the renaming criteria.
+ New “Highlight Name Changes” option to show detailed changes between new name and old name.
+ New Picture Viewer supports more image formats.
+ Dark Mode. Automatically enabled on Windows 11 and 10, if dark mode is active, or it can be manually enabled/disabled in program Preferences.
+ New 'Apply Windows Themes' option in program Preferences, set to Yes by default.
+ Support for Auto Refresh On / Off.
+ Shortcut to 'View Imported Rename-Pairs' using Ctrl+Alt+V.
+ Option 'Select Imported Rename-Pairs' (Ctrl+Alt+S).
+ Display Options > List > 'Size All Columns to Width' (Ctrl+Shift++).
+ Renaming Options > Advanced Options > 'Skip Renaming of File If File Name Already Exists'.
+ Program preference > Bulk Rename Utility logo type > Use custom logo image bru.bmp, bru.png or bru.svg.
+ Program preference > Ask to check for program updates every 30 days > Yes/No.
+ Support for double-quotes for Replace (3) when using wildcards * and ?.
+ Show total Elapsed Time for renaming operations.
+ When the ENTER key is pressed while on items in the file list, open up to 9 files in their default app.
+ Sort and select items after they are dropped into Bulk Rename Utility according to the current sort order.
+ New JavaScript object properties: object('container'), object('container[num]'), and object('containers').
+ Popup information balloon tip for certain program features.
+ New editor to easily build a list of multiple RegEx, Replacements, Case Exceptions, and Filters by clicking on the list button.
+ Network paths and mapped drives improvements.
+ Ability to delete selected files from disk using Shift+Delete.
+ New Bulk Rename Utility general program preferences in main menu 'Tools'.
+ New program preference: Allow multiple instances of Bulk Rename Utility to run at the same time.
+ New program preference: When the ENTER key is pressed while on an item in the file list, action to be taken.
+ New program preference: Bulk Rename Utility logo on the main window, show or hide.
+ Remove non-printable Unicode characters from file properties if present.
! Fixed dropping the double quotes (“) when loading values from a BRU file.
+ Track and select recently used entries in most input controls, including regex, add, remove, etc., using F8 or
+ Option to confirm each renaming operation individually.
+ Support for UTF-8 files in “Import Rename-Pairs”.
+ Display the name of the current “Import Rename-Pairs” file in-use as a tooltip and in the imported pair list view.
+ New tooltip to show full text if otherwise truncated in the file list.
+ Prevent duplicates, “Start From 1” option.
+ Prevent duplicates, “Across Folders” option.
+ Pad Numbers and Reformat Date in Name (2).
+ Support for wildcards * and ? in Replace (3).
+ New \regex\ option in Replace (3).
+ Support for negative from/to values in Remove (5) (= remove counting from the end)
+ New Copy Range and Move Range in Move/Copy (6).
+ Support for negative values in Move/Copy (6) (= move/copy counting from the end).
+ New Name Segment section to apply the renaming criteria to just a specific part of the file name. Negative values are also supported (count from the end). Characters to start/end from/to also supported.
+ New Special (14) Order to change the order of the renaming criteria applied and name segment.
+ New Link Files by Extension option to rename files with certain extensions as if they were the same file.
+ Capitalize the abbreviation of month %b, in custom date format.
+ New option to auto-select all items after a drag and drop operation into BRU.
+ ALT key no longer stops the renaming operation, use the ESC key instead.
+ Ability to expand the width of the Add (7) group.
+ Possibility of hiding or customizing the BRU logo in the main window.
+ Ask whether to refresh the folder tree if a new drive is detected.
+ Warning shown in the Preview Window if duplicate names are found and the 'Prevent Duplicates' option is not enabled.
+ Display the number of duplicate names found in the Preview Window.
+ Enhanced item selection and folder scanning speed.
+ Enhanced preview speed.
+ Enhanced overall handling and responsiveness of the application when renaming several thousand files.
+ Quick access to open .bru files next to the rename button.
+ Added button to select recently browsed folders next to the path bar.
+ Fixed Title Enhanced behavior in Case (4) for words starting with numbers (e.g., use 3rd, not 3Rd).
+ Added 'Select All' and 'Clear All' buttons next to the path bar.
+ Added 'Exif Date Taken (Original) / Item Date set to' in File Timestamps.
! Improved 'autofit all columns' functionality.
! Fixed bug when using | symbol and one single character in Remove (3).
! Fixed crash with certain JPG and TIF files when extracting EXIF information.


Level 25
Thread author
Mar 1, 2024
Bulk Rename Utility
Nov 22, 2024
  • Fixed name change highlight issue (disappearing text).
  • Fixed display issue when clicking on the vertical scrollbar.
  • Fixed file name not being correctly updated (refreshed) in the file list after a rename.
  • Fixed issue with the Picture Viewer not always releasing file handles.
  • Fixed issue with the folder tree not staying hidden (F11) after a program restart.


Level 25
Thread author
Mar 1, 2024
Bulk Rename Utility
Jan 21, 2025
  • Added two new toolbar buttons for quick access: "Refresh" and "Show Only Items Affected by Renaming Criteria", positioned next to the path bar.
  • Added Tag Name display in the 'Show List of File Properties' and 'Show EXIF Info' windows.
  • Added new program preference: "At startup, recall the last used criteria if no favorite file (.bru) is active, instead of starting with blank criteria". This can be set to Yes (default) or No.
  • Added new program preference: "Automatically save the used renaming criteria to the recent entries when renaming is performed". This can be set to Yes (default) or No.
  • File Property Tags, Hash Tags, and EXIF Property Tags can now also be used in RegEx
  • Moved the Remove (5) → Trim option to be the last removal step under Remove (5).
  • Enhanced the 'Show Only Items Affected by Renaming Criteria' command: if only one item or no items are selected, all items are selected first, then, it displays only items affected by the current renaming criteria.
  • Improved “Highlight Name Changes” functionality in certain situations.
  • Added option “Simplify Differences” under “Highlight Name Changes”. When this option is enabled, Bulk Rename Utility will try simplify and group multiple differences between the current and the new name for better readability. This option is disabled by default.
Added keyboard shortcuts:
  • Alt+Enter: Show Windows Properties.
  • Alt+P: Show List of File Properties.
  • Alt+X: Show EXIF Information.
  • Alt+Q: Open Containing Folder.
During an F2 manual rename, Tab and Shift+Tab now function as they do in Windows File Explorer for consistency:
  • Tab completes the manual rename and initiates a manual rename operation on the next item in the list.
  • Shift+Tab completes the manual rename and initiates a manual rename operation on the previous item in the list.
  • Expanded the Remove Symbols option (Remove (5) → Sym.) to include these symbol categories: General Punctuation, Arrows, Miscellaneous Symbols, Dingbats, Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs, Emoticons, Transport and Map Symbols, Alchemical Symbols, Geometric Shapes Extended, Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs, and Latin-1 Supplement.
  • Resolved an issue where using RegEx (1) and File Segment together could
  • result in an incorrect new name computation.
  • Fixed a bug where parentheses ( and ) were ignored in RegEx (1) → Replace unless escaped with .
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