On Saturday I responded to a Facebook email, and hotmail said couldn't deliver due to suspicious content. The next time I tried to access email is phone said pw was incorrect- I chgd and found folder contents deleted. Also phone has sent strange Facetime vids to strange #'s.have never used FaceTime. Have received calls from blocked #'s. I open my phone and am in apps which was't using such as PayPal, or not in email and access phone and am in an email, strange things that never happened. Today tried to backup to iTunes and locked up than
My of locked in loop and opulent start - fixed p. - have background in IT Sus admin unix, but totally ignorent to hacking. Hope this gives correct info if anyone can help.Also got an email today saying my applied used to access FaceTime, iCloud and iMessage which didn't do
My of locked in loop and opulent start - fixed p. - have background in IT Sus admin unix, but totally ignorent to hacking. Hope this gives correct info if anyone can help.Also got an email today saying my applied used to access FaceTime, iCloud and iMessage which didn't do