If you buy a $100 Android phone, you're going to have a bad time. That doesn't (and shouldn't) represent Android as a whole.
In two recent reports, Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) showed that more people than ever are jumping ship from Android to iOS. The agency says that most of these folks — about 53% — leave because of “prior phone problems.” In other words, the users weren’t happy with their Android phone’s performance in some way and decided iOS would be a better fit.
My concern with people leaving Android for iOS because of “prior phone problems” is that at least some of those people will not have experienced the best of Android phones. Instead, they might have experienced the worst of Android and jumped ship based on that poor experience. It saddens me to think that there are smartphone users out there who think the platform as a whole is terrible and are basing that opinion on predictably terrible experiences with phones that were never intended to be a good example of what Android can be.
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Don't judge all of Android by the worst of Android
Bought a $100 Android phone? Congrats: you've experienced the worst of Android. Please don't base your opinion of Android on this.