Good post!
Personally I think there's a big misconception that in order to deal with Zero Day malware you have to have a "BB", or something along those lines. While they are good, like with many things in life, there's always more than one way to deal with things. If you think about it, heuristics was the first way to deal with zero day malware. While some newer things have come out (ie:BB), heuristics are still a very good way to catch zero day malware.
To further your point despite what some say, Eset has more tech built in to deal with zero day. They have their cloud (Live Grid), HIPS and more recently they have expanded what their "ML" can do. Furthermore, BB and such still miss things, so even they aren't perfect either. While good zero day protection is a good thing to have, I still think that people stress about it way to much IMHO. Personally I feel like the chances of home users running into a true zero day (malware) is extremely low. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, but I don't think it's as high, compared to if you were a business/enterprise, government body, etc...