If you recheck that video you'll notice that other solutions were tested in October while Eset was tested in May. Also they were tested with different simulators. For other solutions he used simulator that encrypted files in one directory only for Eset he used the one that tries to encrypt files in other locations as well. What other differences were bitween those to samples, I don't know. So we are basically talking about comparing apples to oranges.
Interesting question remains why did he do it this way? Why didn't he show how Eset performed in October with the same test sample as the other solutions? There is no explanation about that in video.
My guessing is that he performed test with Eset also and Eset probably blocked the simulator (maybe even with signature detection). Since it's clear to me from previous tests that he doesn't like Eset, he probably decided not to show this test and rather used some old test when Eset failed to make his point. Or even to show Eset in bad light.
Since there is no explanation from him why he compared "apples to oranges", we can make our own conclusions.
Anyway for me he lost that little of credibility he still had before as unbiased tester.