I use CCleaner + Wise Care + Windows Disk Cleanup + a few commands:
I consider CCleaner as a browser cleaner and I use it to turn off computer.
By removing caches/temps, it might prevent some malware from ever starting.
rem Decrypt/decompress system files, if needed to increase performance
rem cipher /d /s:C:\
rem compact /CompactOs:never
fsutil usn deletejournal /d /n c:
chkdsk /scan
winmgmt /salvagerepository
del "%temp%\*" /s /f /q
del "%systemroot%\temp\*" /s /f /q
del "C:\$Recycle.bin\*" /s /f /q
del "D:\$Recycle.bin\*" /s /f /q
del "E:\$Recycle.bin\*" /s /f /q
rem This command removes all system restore points/backups
vssadmin delete shadows /for=c: /all /quiet
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
cleanmgr /sageset:65535 & cleanmgr /sagerun:65535
I defragment HDD outside of Windows, by booting Windows USB and following this:
Boot Windows USB - Repair - Troubleshoot - CMD - type/enter
cd windows
cd system32
defrag c: /u
As for cleaners, Microsoft provides tools to reset caches and etc, cleaners usually contain all those "fixes" in one place. I bet nobody questions effects of cleaning thumbnail cache in case of corrupted icons or properly cleaning browser cache.
As for optimizers, that is a bit more difficult. There are many fakes, just like there are fake AVs and unfortunately they make the news. I remember Iobit posting on their webpage, that their product will improve performance by 1600% (no joke, that was it). Modern GUI is important and nice, like Baidu provides, but unreliable ones use very colorful GUI and display number of errors in huge fonts to persuade people to use them. Real optimizers are not really meant to speed up OS per say, just to trim it a bit, it might prevent lagging, stuttering and sometimes some mysterious problems. Of course you do not need them, if your OS is running just fine, I consider them as maintenance tools to prevent future problems and over the years it paid off.