1. I have YouTube videos and Gifs, starting it is as easy as a copy & paste. I think I will write a less technical Q&A post on GitHub with common questions to help find answers quickly. Learning PowerShell is really useful, I have made 2 beginner guides on Github wiki. If you ping me there about any questions i will be able to respond faster (sometimes in minutes)
2. Settings that need more than pro license simply have no effect on pro version. They're just not activated.
3. I'm not familiar with that backup software, if it backs up data after logging in to Windows then it works, but if it expects the disks to be unencrypted/unsecured before login/boot then I don't think it will work, still have to test it though.
4. Yes, I use NextDNS too and use the module to configure it on my system, that was actually why I made it to help me do it faster.Cloudflare WARP is pretty good too.
I'll check out that thread, seems interesting ^^ btw if you already have a supported hardware (like at least Intel 8th generation CPU) you can use the hardening module.