Avast Forum discussion: New Settings look and feel - Beta version 18.7.2350
Avast Forum beta: New Beta version 18.7.2350
Here is how you can access it.
via Avast moves Antivirus Advanced Settings to Secret 'Geek Area'
Avast Forum beta: New Beta version 18.7.2350
New Secret Geek Section in Avast antivirus
The new Avast Geek section is not for normal users, it is designed especially for power or tech-savvy users, you can compare it to about:flags in Chrome and About:config in Firefox. Though browsers and Antivirus are different, they’re also applications on Windows after all.
Here is how you can access it.
- Open its user interface.
- Click on Menu > Settings
- Click on search field and type, geek:area done, you’ve entered into the “secret tech cave of advanced settings for Skilled Avast users.”

via Avast moves Antivirus Advanced Settings to Secret 'Geek Area'