I think I will give one of the endpoint antiviruses there a try. Do they change the code? How reliable are they? Is there a way to check if im downloading the original up-to-date file?
I think I will give one of the endpoint antiviruses there a try. Do they change the code? How reliable are they? Is there a way to check if im downloading the original up-to-date file?
I've found downloads from there to malware free. With regard to endpoint antiviruses, for McAfee Endpoint Security, they link to the download from McAfee's website, rather than hosting it themselves.
I think I will give one of the endpoint antiviruses there a try. Do they change the code? How reliable are they? Is there a way to check if im downloading the original up-to-date file?
Always check signatures .
But anyway Cmoss .ru is trustworthy so far .
On cmoss .ru SEP always is on lastest version there .
But MacAfee endpoint isn't on the lastest version unfortunately.
I think I will give one of the endpoint antiviruses there a try. Do they change the code? How reliable are they? Is there a way to check if im downloading the original up-to-date file?