Is it me that Windscribe Windflix US server is bad or everyone else? I am keep getting constant disconnect out of nowhere and long establish connection to the server. Windflix US server is like Made in China.
[ { Im testing\trying out their API } experiential= true ( true= trial run ) [[ *FONT* ]]=arial -Its not just you, I had them for a while and you know they cap you at like 300 GB of data \ i want to try Nords or IpVanish but i cant see paying that much...[[end]] ]
Suggest you use the normal USA Servers that fit your location (Central, East or West), the WINDFLIX relies on a single data center, which if not close to you, may get high latency.
We don't have $11.99 plans.... unless you used Build-a-Plan and only bought "WINDFLIX US" location (with no unlimited data), you wouldn't have a data limit.
OP: Are you using IKEv2/Automatic mode? If so, try switching to Manual UDP protocol and see if that helps with the disconnects.