Understood. But the time that you have taken to crate few posts here is actually more than it will take you to report to the driver provider. Just a personal opinion 
VirusTotal is not useful as a second opinion scanner, unless when you have either Eset and Bitdefender (their signatures tend to be very accurate) or all vendors (something similar to 50/70) detect something. Many of the engines that you mentioned like Symantec with their Static Data Scanner, Google and some others are purely heuristic/machine learning engines and as such, they are prone to errors. Detections on VirusTotal may be different than the one produced in home products - sometimes nothing may be shown on VT but detected by the actual products, in other cases it may the other way around.
Vendors do correct false positives but it will need to be reported either to each one of them, or to the software publisher. The amount of files and data these vendors deal with is sheer, so some reports may be treated more urgently than others.