First update about changes
Following Divine_Barakah's recommendation, I switched my recovery backup from Windows built-in to AOMEI Backupper. (15.01.23)
After some Posts that i read here in the forum and elsewhere, I decided to delete Malwarebytes and replace it with Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. (24.01.23) (Periodic scanners)
I change my Secure DNS (Alternate) from ControlD Free Malware to (Malware Blocking Only) because unfortunately i noticed too often how it delays the connection to sites and because it often came to DNS request timed out errors. (26.01.23)
I change my Secure DNS (Alternate) from to because its a French non‑profit organization and of its hardened threat intelligence security. (19.02.23)
Exchange DNS Alternate with Preferred. (24.02.23)