Windows Blog: Announcing Project Rome Android SDK - Building Apps for Windows
Download: project-rome/Project Rome for Android (preview release) at master · Microsoft/project-rome · GitHub
News Article: Microsoft releases Project Rome SDK for Android, for controling nearby Windows devices
"Project Rome is a platform for creating experiences that transcend a single device and driving up user engagement – empowering a developer to create human-centric scenarios that move with the user and blur the lines between their devices regardless of form factor or platform.
We first shipped Project Rome capabilities for Remote Launch and Remote App Services in Windows 10 Anniversary Update."
We first shipped Project Rome capabilities for Remote Launch and Remote App Services in Windows 10 Anniversary Update."
Download: project-rome/Project Rome for Android (preview release) at master · Microsoft/project-rome · GitHub
"Currently, Project Rome is implemented for Android-client-to-Windows-host scenarios. You will need an Android app development IDE and an Android device or emulator (Android 4.4.2 or later) to use this feature."
News Article: Microsoft releases Project Rome SDK for Android, for controling nearby Windows devices
"Project Rome, a way for Universal Windows Platform applications (apps from the Windows Store) to have cross-device services. Supporting all the various Windows 10 platforms (PC, Windows Mobile, Xbox, etc).
Project Rome for Android is a bit limited at the moment, as it only supports Android to Windows communication (and not the other way around). The SDK enables Android applications to authenticate with a Microsoft account, then scan for Windows 10 devices on your local network."
Project Rome for Android is a bit limited at the moment, as it only supports Android to Windows communication (and not the other way around). The SDK enables Android applications to authenticate with a Microsoft account, then scan for Windows 10 devices on your local network."