A new version Alpha11 has just been released and its design is quite nice, practical but non-intrusive. I have been using the previous Windows version Alpha6 and the new version has a more refined, eye-pleasing design. Mindfulness at the computer is an app designed to assist you in staying present while at the computer. The app reminds users periodically with a system notification including a breathing phrase, in order to maintain the mind/body connection. A click on the notification opens a full breathing dialogue with a selected breathing phrase, which users may customize.The app is written in Python and is available for full installation on Linux/Ubuntu or currently as a portable app for Windows.
MATC downloads via Sourceforge
Mindfulness st the computer website
MATC Gitter community
Note: The portable Windows version has a couple of small bugs, e.g. an occasional crash, which the developer is working to correct.
Unable to show screenshots due to the transient nature of the notifications and breathingphrase splashscreen.