Moscow Dumps Microsoft

Terry Ganzi

Level 26
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Top Poster
Feb 7, 2014
Moscow has announced that it is to begin moving the email software on thousands of the city’s computers away from Microsoft towards home grown options.

The city is to start by removing Microsoft Exchange server and Microsoft Outlook on 6,000 computers. According to a report by, email systems in all local Moscow government run departments, will be replaced by email software developed by the state run Rostelcom PJSC.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has previously called for both national and local governments across the former USSR to rely less on foreign software and hardware. Putin has highlighted the move as a protective step necessary due to concerns over security and reliability. Russian government officials were quick to frame the switch in nationalistic terms, with communications minister Nikolay Nikiforov telling reporters:

“We want the money of taxpayers and state-run firms to be primarily spent on local software.”

You can read the rest of the news here:


Level 53
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Aug 2, 2015
Its understandable for the reasons they give, it's also understandable for the reasons they Don't give.
Meaning the vouneraibility and security issues native to MS as well as the likely-hood of back doors and
spying on a state sponsored level.
Putin is worried, as he should be ;)
Cool Share Terry


Level 7
May 25, 2015
Very easy to get malware through email in most corporations or governments. The human factor is the weakest link.

As for Russia, I think every government realizes by now that Windows 10 and future OS iterations are giant piece of spyware which could also have a NSA backdoor.

Linux or custom OS is the way to go for governments.


New Member
May 12, 2015
I can understand Russia problem but everybody spies on each other always have and always will(even as far as pychic reading LOL). The UK just agreed a new French/Chinese nuclear plant with untrusted technology will the computer system be vetted, off course.
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