Hey Nabor ,
Real-time protection
ESET NOD32 is a good product, offers a very high level of detection, and its light! Are you using any custom settings?Did you buy NOD32 or are you using a trial license?
When was the last time to had to deal with a infection (on your computer)?
What other security products have you used in the past?
Browser protection
Your security setup really needs a site advisor.
WOT (Free) -
To help you avoid malicious sites you can use Web of Trust (WOT) a website rating browser plugin. After you add it to your browser make sure you only visit websites rated "Green" by WOT
Also, I would advise you to install an adblocker, as some of them can lead to shady links...
Adblock Plus for Google Chrome (Free) -
Adblock Plus for Google Chrome is a content-filtering extension for Google Chrome. Adblock allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being downloaded and displayed.
On demand scanners
Malwarebytes is an awesome product, but I would adise you to add HitmanPro to your toolbox.
Hitman Pro (Trial ) -
An on-demand scanner using multiple anti-malware engines and cloud technology. It offers unlimited free scanning but once you use it to remove detected malware it switches to a 30-day trial version. I recommend using it after you've scanned your hard-drive with the other products you have installed.
A virtualization software will allow you to browse the web or run another application in a completely safe environment. This is especially useful when visiting high-risk web sites, whether accidentally or deliberately, as the Web browser will be completely contained within the virtual enviroment, preventing any damage to your computer.
A sandbox can also be used to run any other applications which you think may be suspect - you can run the program inside the sandbox to determine whether or not it is safe while remaining completely protected against any malicious actions that it may try to carry out.
I strongly advise you to install Sandboxie and use it for when you're browsing the Internet or running shady or unknown programs. Alternately you can try
BufferZone PRO (Free) , another great virtualization software.
Sandboxie (Free/Paid) -
Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.
Always run suspicious of freshly downloaded files in a Sandboxie to verify that he download isn't compromised! Sandboxie will replicate perfectly your operating system so all the files should run without any problems in it.
If you learn how to properly use Sandboxie, then you really decrease your chances of gettings an infection, I'm always running my web browser sandbox just to be on the safe side.....
PS.Welcome to MalwareTips!