I assume that you're addressing my comment that this report contradicts some of the AV-Comparatives benchmarks. I didn't mean the score overall; I meant in specific tests. For example, the AV-Comparatives report noted that Avira was 'slow' when downloading files. On the other hand, the PassMark report put it as one of the fastest at downloading, only surpassed by Trend Micro by 0-0.1 seconds on average. In compressing and decompressing files Symantec was given a 'mediocre' in the AV-Comparatives report, while PassMark placed it second fastest on average only bested by McAfee by 0.1 seconds. The PCMark scores could have been affected by the versions; AVC uses PCMark 10 while PassMark uses PCMark 8, but there are still some discrepancies there. F-Secure is on opposite sides of the spectrum for PCMark scores on the two reports.