If you reside in a country that's not 5 eyes and has no extradition then yeah it's a plus but otherwise I'm not sure it is.
But the problem is your expecting a team of 5 to 10 members tops in a VPN company who's job is to run the servers, design and maintain a Vpn app, enable and implement encryption, and operate payment and billing info to go against teams of 100's of highly skilled
and competent workers
in a government law enforcement or intelligence department?
It's never going to end well, that's why those crime phones and dark net markets always fail and get owned.
What a Vpn company in Western democracies buy you is process and law and order. The justice system is less corrupt and the process and evidence is needed to be followed to obtain wire taps and warrants. Plus look at all the major hacks, where do the attackers base their C2 servers and infrastructure? In the USA...