Read More : Popular Ransomware Adds Ability To Steal Victims' Passwords
More Info : a TechNet blog post
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Microsoft is warning that the Reveton Trojan, a nasty ransomware that locks users out of their computer until they pay the hackers to remove it, now has added the ability to scan and snag all your passwords.
According to Microsoft, this new trick was added so that even if an antivirus does its job and removes the Trojan without you falling to the extortion racket, the attackers' time and effort weren't wasted -- they at least have your passwords (and one that could be used to drain funds from you in a different way).
More Info : a TechNet blog post
Our advice is, before you become a victim of the Reveton infection, spend a few minutes to eliminate possible infection vectors by updating software components which are targeted by drive-by-downloads. You should install all the relevant Microsoft security updates and update browser plug-ins like Java and Flash Player.
There are more details on how to do this on our software updates page. If you ever encounter a Reveton infection, make sure you change all your passwords to protect your sensitive information after you eliminate the infection.
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