18 Free Chat/Shout Box For Your Website: on k-director.com blog: http://www.k-director.com/blog/18-free-chatshout-box-for-your-website/
'Blogging is definitely not a single-way interaction property in Web 2.0. In fact, massive interactions between author and visitors are the funs of a blog. Visitors are allowed to leave a comment, contact author, vote for a post, or even chat in provided shoutbox.
Chat box/shoutbox is a trend for visitors to exchange an opinion with other visitors in public. It is a new interaction possibility for visitors to a website. With a Chat box/shoutbox, site visitors develop a durable personal relationship with your homepage.
In SEO term, it reduces your bounce rates, creates more chances for visitors to browse through other contents, more regular visitors and of course, more impressions.
Here’s 18 free and customizable chat box that able to optimize communication platform for your website. Detail next!'