- Aug 10, 2013
- 3
Windows Update: thankfully no longer an issue
UAC: no. silly *nix emulation
"new" windows ram management: alpha entertainment
core2duo ~2ghz, 4gigs ram (max) [would be masochism with the windows oem installed], SSD OS/applications, NAS user data, optionally ubuntu PXE
PXE info: DiskLess | ThinClient
Sandbox/Virtualization/Rollback: oracle vm (Virtual Box) | AppArmor | ArKose | Glimpse (glimpse in action video)
vm detection: http://codeproject.com/search.aspx?q=vm+detect&x=0&y=0&sbo=kw
hardware firewall appliance: pfSense
software firewall: iptables | gufw
DNS Server/Web Filter/IP Filter: pfSense (UTM)
Hosts File Hardening/Optimizing: pfSense: pfBlocker, snort, other packages
Ad Blockers: pfSense package combination | AdBlock (interweb browser) | privoxy
Anonymity: various providers, DIY: tink
Anon-ness and privacy recommended reading: http://schoolofprivacy.eu/ | http://schoolofprivacy.eu/post/26560696516/social-vpn
Password Protection: excellent memory
Files and Folders Password Protection: drive encryption | partition encryption
System Backup: ZFS NAS
Disk Defragmenter: partitions BtrFS
Download Manager: firefox DownThemAll + anticontainer
Uninstaller: package manager
Burning: REAL-CDRtools http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/linux-dist.html , https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/cdrtools , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1336278&p=9729294#post9729294
Screen Capture: shutter
image editor: GIMP + G'MIC | DarkTable
vector editor: inkscape
Video Player: SMplayer
Messenger: XMPP client (not gtalk) with OTR, SIP SIPLE client
OSTN: https://ostel.co
PBX: FusionPBX
www? no www: http://no-www.org
Rescue Discs
These are what I use when needed
Hiren's Boot CD | Ubuntu LiveDVD
Portable Apps
Windows Update: thankfully no longer an issue
UAC: no. silly *nix emulation
"new" windows ram management: alpha entertainment
core2duo ~2ghz, 4gigs ram (max) [would be masochism with the windows oem installed], SSD OS/applications, NAS user data, optionally ubuntu PXE
PXE info: DiskLess | ThinClient
Sandbox/Virtualization/Rollback: oracle vm (Virtual Box) | AppArmor | ArKose | Glimpse (glimpse in action video)
vm detection: http://codeproject.com/search.aspx?q=vm+detect&x=0&y=0&sbo=kw
hardware firewall appliance: pfSense
software firewall: iptables | gufw
DNS Server/Web Filter/IP Filter: pfSense (UTM)
Hosts File Hardening/Optimizing: pfSense: pfBlocker, snort, other packages
Ad Blockers: pfSense package combination | AdBlock (interweb browser) | privoxy
Anonymity: various providers, DIY: tink
Anon-ness and privacy recommended reading: http://schoolofprivacy.eu/ | http://schoolofprivacy.eu/post/26560696516/social-vpn
Password Protection: excellent memory
Files and Folders Password Protection: drive encryption | partition encryption
System Backup: ZFS NAS
Disk Defragmenter: partitions BtrFS
Download Manager: firefox DownThemAll + anticontainer
Uninstaller: package manager
Burning: REAL-CDRtools http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/linux-dist.html , https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/cdrtools , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1336278&p=9729294#post9729294
Screen Capture: shutter
image editor: GIMP + G'MIC | DarkTable
vector editor: inkscape
Video Player: SMplayer
Messenger: XMPP client (not gtalk) with OTR, SIP SIPLE client
OSTN: https://ostel.co
PBX: FusionPBX
www? no www: http://no-www.org
Rescue Discs
These are what I use when needed
Hiren's Boot CD | Ubuntu LiveDVD
Portable Apps