- 0003002: [Bug] main window freezes for some time after start (first occurence i detected was on (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003314: [Bug] Upgrade of internal JEDI Libraries (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003291: [Refactoring] "Panda Security" company name rationalisation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003298: [Bug] SUMo is unable to extract file info from LCore.exe (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003254: [New Feature] SUMo should directly open developper site if available (PRO only) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003288: [New Feature] SUMo shall by able to diferentiate Kitty from Putty (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003287: [Refactoring] "FreeFileSync" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003186: [Refactoring] "Schneider Electric" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003283: [Refactoring] "ConfigFox" with empty company shall have "ConfigFox Team" as company name (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003262: [Bug] Windows 10 support in log file (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003201: [New Feature] Adobe Flash Player for IE (not FF) shall NOT be analysed for Windows 8.1, 10, .... (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003132: [Bug] Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003205: [Refactoring] "Corel" company name rationalization (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003259: [New Feature] "Status Monitor by Brother Industries, Ltd." to be filtered out (device dependant) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003257: [Bug] SUMo "check for updates at startup" do not work if "check for SUMo update" is disabled (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003180: [Refactoring] Company/Product name with leading "$" shall be ignored (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003202: [Bug] Update self check not robust to invalid data (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003221: [Refactoring] "None" should not be considered as a valid Company name (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003184: [Refactoring] "IDriverT Module by Macrovision Corporation" to be filtered out (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003256: [Refactoring] Name of "additionnal folder" object (for translator) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003255: [New Feature] Icons in settings (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003208: [Refactoring] Removal of "disable scan for drivers" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003209: [Bug] Wrong behavior of "disable scan for drivers" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.