>>SuperAntiSpyware Pro.
That ruins the whole thing.
If one threw malware softballs at SuckyAntiSpyware all day, it would not notice.
It's one of the few things worse than Webroot.
@Burrito ,
Don't panic Mate!
I haven't 'lost the plot' with 'SuckyAntiSpyware.' That one generally reserved for the Infected who simply insist on its use. I might run it on my own machine to clean out a few cookies, with a chuckle, when I'm bored. Its amazing how many people still put excessive trust in it. How long is it since the engines were last updated? It was a long time when I last checked.
I totally agree with your appraisal of SAS. I love the thought of it flailing about madly trying to fend off "Malware Softballs." Great sense of humour!! I concur that it wouldn't notice 99.9/100 "Softballs." I reckon the remaining 0.1 "balls" are hit foul.
I like to run layered with individual software rotation as randomly as possible. I haven't encountered any serious conflicts so far. Only one real time A/V and A/M are run concurrently. Whatever isn't being used real time is used solely as On Demand extra opinions.
I'd rather run a little more slowly due to Security being slightly over-prioritized than be constantly cleaning off the unwanted interlopers. The hardware copes okay too.
I didn't bother listing all tools for the sake of brevity.
Thanks for the good laugh.
Stay well, safe and happy!