And yet... "it doesn't work as expected". Don't know what/which cookies or site data - it still keeps (or if any) - cause it doesn't show any details - but even adding a site to FF internal Exception list...
...didn't really help while clearing browser data and cookies....
[ATTACH=full]285858[/ATTACH] in, before clearing data...
...and after...
And yet, MalwareTips Forums it's still shown as part of above exception list. There's another internal cookie manager - for deleting specific cookies manually - which does work if you have the time to waste - manually clearing individual cookies....
Cookie AutoDelete works too - since it has a white/grey list for cookies to keep. And that's just it - FF internal/embed tools are rather mediocre if not bad - compared to dedicated extension for managing a specific function/feature which is better in any way. Kinda like Windows internal apps vs dedicated 3rd party apps. Same can be said about Chrome - but not Chromium based browsers (over 10+ by now) - since most Chromium based browsers - compete with each-other (also with FF or Safari and such) - by including specific features by default - which others don't have (but some can't be added as extensions). For example Brave Browser - which keeps getting praised for having one of the best ad-blockers embed in - while most of the other browsers have to add one as extension (such as uBlock).
Tho, sure - depending on personal preferences - this extensions are not for everyone. Some prefer - to clear all data - and simply use a password manager to re-login every-time. Which is definitely - a safer option - something i actually recommend for any site which needs credit card info and such.