Thank you cruelsister, in this age of robots you stand out as a real expert, a super-quick brain and always gifted with sense of humour.
My experience with Comodo began when Melih was trying to test his creature at Wilders, later I was glad to pay for BoClean by Kevin McAlively,who was afterwards incorporated into Comodo. When Kevin left Comodo most people began to take his side against Melih and CIS acquired its vast plethora of critics.
Some of these,even after many years, tend to see the bad irrespectively .
In my main pc I used CF for many years,then went to other things,but ,about a year ago I felt the need to go back to CF because of certain rules I couldnt make with other programs.
At the time I had Windows11, I tried using CF in spite of no official guarantee. The outcome was not completely perfect,as one BSOD initially indeed happened and later one program didnt want to work anymore, but it was possible.
In the meantime I was appreciating the granularity and choices of Comodo so that I decided instead of changing software I changed of OS: I went from Windows11 to Windows 10, installed Comodo Firewall a la Cruel the way a firewall should be, and I'm living happy and content ever since.
(feeling is that 10 is a bit quicker)