Tested products on video were cloudflare, quad9, nextDNS, adguard dns
dns ZERO , i have tested it several times against all those four and dns.zero is the winner always
Its more aggressive than nextdns does
you can read what it blocks here
Nostaa haitallisten verkkotunnusten havaitsemista huomattavasti — etenkin niiden kriittisinä alkutunneilla — käyttämällä ihmisten arvioimaa kehittyneellä heuristiikalla tehtyä uhkakartoitusta, joka automaattisesti tunnistaa haitallista toimintaa.
Its been discussed many times on the forum and only product wich beats it is paid controlD
None of those four blocks newly registered domains, or high risk TLDS, if he included paid cloudflare zero trust in video it would have been better