The “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” Ukash Ransom is a computer virus (Trojan:W32/Reveton), which will display a bogus notification, that pretends to be from the Latvia Police (Latvijas Policijas – Kibernoziegumi Departaments) and states that your computer has been blocked due to it being involved with the distribution of pornographic material, SPAM and copyrighted content.
The “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” virus will lock your computer and applications,so whenever you’ll try to log on into your Windows operating system or Safe Mode with Networking, it will display instead a lock screen asking you to pay a non-existing fine of 100 LVL in the form of a Ukash or PaySafeCard code.
Furthermore, to make this alert seem more authentic, this virus also has the ability to access your installed webcam ,so that the bogus “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” notification shows what is happening in the room.
If your computer is infected with “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” virus,then you are seeing any of the below notifications:
Latvijas Policijas
Kibernoziegumi Departaments
Jūsu dators ir blokėts
Jūs esat parkapėjs, Jūsu darblba nav likumlga un paredz kriminalatbildibu.
Taiak minėti iespejami parkapumi: 174. pants – AutortiesTbas
BrtvTbas atnemšana no 2 ITdz 5 gadiem (Autordarbu izmantošana vai izplatTšana). Naudas sods no 9 OOO LVL ITdz 10 000 LVL
183. pants – Pornografija
BrtvTbas atnemšana no 2 ITdz 3 gadiem (Pornografisku failu izmantošana vai izplatTšana). Naudas sods no 9 000 LVL ITdz 11 000 LVL
184. pants – Pornografija ar berniem (jaunakiem par 18 gadiem)
BrtvTbas atnemšana no 10 ITdz 15 gadiem (Pornografisku failu izmantošana vai izplatTšana). Naudas sods no 10 000 LVL ITdz 20 000 LVL
104. pants – Terorisma atbalstTšan
BrtvTbas atnemšana ITdz 25 gadiem bez apeiacijas tiesTbam (Teroristu grupejumu lapu apmekiešarta). Naudas sods no 15 000 LVL ITdz 23 000 LVL Tpašuma konfiskacija.
68. pants – VTrusu programmu izplatTšana.
BrtvTbas atnemšana ITdz 2 gadiem O/Trusu programmu, kas kaitė eitiem datoriem, radTšana vai izplatTšana). Naudas sods no 7 000 LVL ITdz 14 000 LVL
113. pants – Nelicencetas programmatūras izmantošana
BrtvTbas atnemšana ITdz 2 gadiem (Nelicencetas programmatūras izmantošana). Naudas sods no 5 000 LVL ITdz 11 000 LVL
99. pants – Krapšana ar maksajumu kartem, nelikumTgas operacijas ar maksajumu kartem
BrtvTbas atnemšana ITdz 5 gadiem (Operacija ar maksajumu karti vai tas rekvizTtiem, ko nav uzsacis vai nav apstiprinajis tas turetajs). Naudas sods no 15 000 LVL ITdz 38 000 LVL, Tpašuma konfiskacija
156. pants – Pornografiska satura surogatpasta izplatTšana izmantojot elektroniškas vestules un sociaios tTklus). Naudas sods no 8 000 LVL ITdz 16 000 LVL
The “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” Ransom is a scam and you should ignore any alert that this malicious software might generate and remove this trojan ransomware from your computer.
Under no circumstance should you send any money to this cyber criminals,as this could lead to identity theft,and if you have, you should contact your credit card company and dispute the charge stating that the program is a scam and a computer virus.
“Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” Ukash Ransomware – Virus Removal Guide
STEP 1: Remove “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” lock screen from your computer
“Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” Ukash Ransom has modified your Windows registry and added its malicious files to run at start-up, so whenever you’re trying to boot your computer it will launch instead its bogus notification.To remove these malicious changes,we can use any of the below methods :
Method 1: Start your computer in Safe Mode with Networking and scan for malware
Some types of “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” virus will allow the users to start the infected computer in Safe Mode with Networking without displaying the bogus lock screen. In this first method, we will try to start the computer in Safe Mode with Networking and then scan for malware to remove the malicious files.
- Remove all floppy disks, CDs, and DVDs from your computer, and then restart your computer.
- Press and hold the F8 key as your computer restarts.Please keep in mind that you need to press the F8 key before the Windows start-up logo appears.
Note: With some computers, if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message. If this occurs, instead of pressing and holding the “F8 key”, tap the “F8 key” continuously until you get the Advanced Boot Options screen. - On the Advanced Boot Options screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Safe Mode with Networking , and then press ENTER.
- If your computer has started in Safe Mode with Networking, you’ll need to perform a system scan (as seen on STEP 2) with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and HitmanPro to remove the malicious files from your machine.
IF the “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” virus didn’t allow you to start the computer in Safe Mode with Networking,you’ll need to follow Method 2 to get rid of its lock screen.
Method 2: Restore Windows to a previous state using System Restore
System Restore can return your computer system files and programs to a time when everything was working fine, so we will try to use this Windows feature to get rid of “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” lock screen.
- Restart your computer, and then press and hold F8 during the initial startup to start your computer in safe mode with a Command prompt.
Note: With some computers, if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message. If this occurs, instead of pressing and holding the “F8 key”, tap the “F8 key” continuously until you get the Advanced Boot Options screen. - Use the arrow keys to select the Safe mode with a Command prompt option.
- At the command prompt, Windows Vista and 7 users will type cd restore, and then press ENTER.
Next,we will type rstrui.exe , and then press ENTER.
Windows XP users will need to type C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe and then press ENTER.
- The System Restore window will start and you’ll need to select a restore point previous to this infection.
- After System Restore has completed its task,you should be able to boot in Windows normal mode,from there you’ll need to perform a system scan (as seen on STEP 2) with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and HitmanPro to remove the malicious files from your machine.
IF the “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” virus didn’t allow you to start the computer in Safe Mode with Command Prompt you’ll need to follow Method 3, to get rid of its screen lock.
Method 3: Remove “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” virus with HitmanPro Kickstart
IF you couldn’t boot into Safe Mode with Command Prompt or didn’t have a System Restore point on your machine, we can use HitmanPro Kickstart to bypass this infection and access your computer to scan it for malware.
- We will need to create a HitmanPro Kickstart USB flash drive,so while you are using a “clean” (non-infected) computer, download HitmanPro from the below link.
HITMANPRO DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a download page in a new window from where you can download HitmanPro) - Insert your USB flash drive into your computer and follow the instructions from the below video:
- After you have create the HitmanPro Kickstart USB flash drive, you can insert this USB drive into the infected machine and start your computer.
- Once the computer starts, repeatedly tap the F11 key (on some machines its F10 or F2),which should bring up the Boot Menu, from there you can select to boot from your USB.
Next,you’ll need to perform a system scan with HitmanPro as see in the below video:
- After HitmanPro Kickstart has completed its task,you should be able to boot in Windows normal mode,from there you’ll need to perform a system scan (as seen on STEP 2) with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and HitmanPro to remove the malicious files from your machine.
STEP 2: Remove “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” malicious files from your computer
No matter what method you used to get rid of “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” lock screen, we will need to remove its malicious files from your computer.
Please download and run a scan with the following scan to completely remove “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” virus from your computer.
Run a computer scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free
- You can download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free from the below link,then double click on it to install this program.
MALWAREBYTES ANTI-MALWARE DOWNLOAD LINK(This link will open a download page in a new window from where you can download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free) - When the installation begins, keep following the prompts in order to continue with the setup process.
DO NOT make any changes to default settings and when the program has finished installing, make sure you leave both the Update Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware checked,then click on the Finish button.
- On the Scanner tab,select Perform quick scan and then click on the Scan button to start scanning your computer.
- Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware will now start scanning your computer for “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” malicious files as shown below.
- When the Malwarebytes scan will be completed,click on Show Result.
- You will now be presented with a screen showing you the malware infections that Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware has detected.Please note that the infections found may be different than what is shown in the image.Make sure that everything is Checked (ticked) and click on the Remove Selected button.
- After your computer will restart, open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and perform a Full System scan to verify that there are no remaining threats
Run a computer scan with HitmanPro
- Download HitmanPro from the below link,then double click on it to start this program.
HITMANPRO DOWNLOAD LINK (This link will open a new web page from where you can download HitmanPro)
IF you are experiencing problems while trying to start HitmanPro, you can use the Force Breach mode.To start HitmanPro in Force Breach mode, hold down the left CTRL-key when you start HitmanPro and all non-essential processes are terminated, including the malware process. (How to start HitmanPro in Force Breach mode – Video) - HitmanPro will start and you’ll need to follow the prompts (by clicking on the Next button) to start a system scan with this program.
- HitmanPro will start scanning your computer for “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” malicious files as seen in the image below.
- Once the scan is complete,you’ll see a screen which will display all the infected files that this utility has detected, and you’ll need to click on Next to remove these malicious files.
- Click Activate free license to start the free 30 days trial and remove all the malicious files from your computer.
That’s it, “Jūsu dators ir bloķēts” virus should be completely removed from your computer!
We strongly recommend that you build up your malware defenses by starting a new thread in Security Configuration Wizard forum and keep installed on your machine all the on-demand scanners that we’ve used in this article to perform regular scans with them.
I have used Method 2 and computer works fine now! Thank you Stelian!