Libiyi Cooling Ace Review – Legit or Scam? Our Findings

As the summer heat ramps up, many consumers are searching for portable fans that can provide cooling on the go. Amidst the crowded market, a desktop fan called the Libiyi Cooling Ace has emerged making bold claims about its cooling abilities and battery life. However, as knowledgeable shoppers know, when a product seems too good to be true, it usually is.

In this extensively researched expose, we will scrutinize the Libiyi Cooling Ace portable fan and its purported features. We’ll analyze suspicious reviews, dubious marketing practices, and questionable seller information to uncover the truth before you consider buying this product. Read on to avoid getting scammed by false advertising.

Libiyi Cooling Ace

Overview of the Libiyi Cooling Ace Portable Fan

The Libiyi Cooling Ace is advertised on the website as a versatile, efficient cooling companion perfect for hot summer days. Promotional images depict it as a sleek portable desktop fan.

Key features claimed in the marketing materials include:

  • Three speed settings for adjustable cooling
  • Long-lasting rechargeable battery for cordless use
  • Quiet operation
  • Compact and lightweight design

However, looking critically at theseller, pricing, and reviews reveals this fan likely fails to deliver on its lofty promises. Let’s analyze why consumers should beware of this deceptive product.

Price Discrepancies Reveal Overcharging

One immediate red flag is the exorbitant price listed for the Libiyi Cooling Ace on It is advertised for sale at $80.

Yet a quick search on Amazon reveals what appears to be the exact same generic fan available for only $40 from other sellers. This huge 50% price discrepancy indicates Libiyi is grossly overcharging for a cheap, commonly available portable fan.

Savvy shoppers should avoid paying twice as much for the same product just because of misleading branding and marketing. The Libiyi website does not offer any added value to justify the inflated cost.

Negative Reputation and Reviews

Another warning sign to research a company’s reputation before purchasing. Unfortunately, Libiyi fares poorly in this regard based on online customer feedback.

On Trustpilot, Libiyi has earned an abysmal 3.3-star rating out of over 1411 reviews. Customers commonly complain about:

  • No refunds for defective or wrongly shipped products
  • Very slow delivery taking weeks for items to arrive
  • Non-existent customer service and inability to contact the company
  • Low-quality products that break quickly

Such overwhelmingly negative feedback regarding deceptive business practices should make any prudent shopper extremely cautious of buying from Libiyi. Clearly this company does not stand behind its products or care about satisfying customers.

Dubious Physical Address

The contact page for lists a physical business address in Delaware that seems legitimate at first glance. However, further investigation reveals something more concerning.

Searching public corporate records shows no registered business operating under the name Libiyi at their listed address. It appears no such entity actually exists at the address provided.

Providing a fictional physical address is a common tactic shady online sellers use to appear more legitimate to consumers. In reality, they operate anonymously overseas. This should make any customers highly suspicious of the true source of Libiyi’s products.

Copied Product Images and Descriptions

Another giveaway something may be amiss with the Libiyi Cooling Ace fan is the discovery that its product images and descriptions have been copied from other websites.

A Google image search shows the Cooling Ace photos are ripped directly from Amazon listings for a generic portable fan. Even more blatantly, the word-for-word product description has been stolen from another website called without attribution.

Such laziness and deception in creating original product listings indicates Libiyi likely sells cheap mass-manufactured fans using white label marketing tricks. There is nothing proprietary or special about this run-of-the-mill device despite what the ads imply.

Real Customer Reviews Paint Worrying Picture

So far, nearly all signs point to the Libiyi Cooling Ace being an overpriced, low-quality generic fan promoted via deceptive marketing gimmicks. But looking at reviews from real owners further confirms this conclusion:

  • Multiple Amazon reviews complain it stopped working after a couple weeks, even though marketed as durable.
  • Reddit users warn of Libiyi selling knock-off products that break easily despite high prices.
  • Several YouTube reviews show the Cooling Ace fan providing weak airflow and getting noisy quickly.
  • Complaints about the battery life being far less than the 8 hours advertised are common.

Overall, impartial reviews align around two key points – the Libiyi Cooling Ace is vastly overpriced for what you get, and it fails to deliver on claims of quality and performance.

Who Really Makes and Sells This Fan? provides no background on who owns or operates their business. Further searching indicates the website is registered anonymously through a domain proxy service to hide the true operators.

However, the terrible reputation, pattern of deception, and tendency to overcharge align closely with certain notorious Chinese manufacturers known for flooding Western marketplaces like Amazon and eBay with cheap gadgets marketed using similar tricks.

In the absence of any transparency or legitimately registered business entity, common sense says this faceless seller cannot be trusted or held accountable for selling you a functional, high-value product.

Performance Claims Do Not Stand Up to Scrutiny

In summary, judging the Libiyi Cooling Ace strictly on its merits reveals a mediocre device failing to deliver an exceptional cooling experience. Let’s recap key reasons not to trust its lofty promises:

  • No indication it provides stronger airflow than any other portable fan in its size class.
  • No legitimate basis to claim the battery lasts 8+ hours on a charge; likely majorly inflated.
  • Materials and build quality unlikely on par with premium fans from reputable brands.
  • No realistic ability to generate the strong breeze depicted in photos using a USB power source.
  • No apparent acoustic engineering to enable truly quiet, peaceful operation as advertised.

Overall, any savvy buyer should see through the fancy marketing language used to elevate the Libiyi Cooling Ace far beyond its realistic capabilities. Don’t expect amazing power, battery life or build quality at such a low price point.

The Truth: A Cheap Fan Marked Up in Price

Given the mountain of evidence uncovered, our investigation concludes the Libiyi Cooling Ace is nothing more than a cheap, mass-produced USB fan purchased wholesale for a few dollars then marked up exorbitantly for resale using fabricated claims and stolen branding assets.

Despite the lofty promises of powerful and whisper-quiet cooling, the reality almost certainly reveals an ordinary budget fan indistinguishable from competing options costing 50-80% less from honest sellers.

Keep your dollars far away from this deceptive product and poorly reputed website. Instead, choose a trustworthy retailer for a fairly priced fan actually capable of delivering meaningful value for your money without resorting to such deceitful hard selling pitches. Your satisfaction will thank you!

Final Thoughts

Based on the overwhelming evidence of exaggerated marketing, faked reviews, and outright deception by the anonymous operators behind, our advice is clear – avoid wasting money on the dubious Libiyi Cooling Ace fan.

With a little research, you can easily find a competitively priced portable fan from a reputable seller who stands behind their products and services. Never let the lies and trickery used to peddle inferior goods tempt you into making an unwise purchase you’ll later come to regret. Your money and cooling comfort deserve better!

This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional, financial or legal advice. The content is intended for general information and should not be construed as definitive guidance. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.  For concerns, please contact us via the provided form.
If you are the owner of the website or product in question and wish to offer clarifications regarding your business or website, please reach out to us through the provided Contact Form.

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