Beware the Viral MrBeast Grants Fund Scam Stealing Money

Scammers are ruthlessly taking advantage of MrBeast’s popularity and generous public image by promoting fake advertisements that offer non-existent grants from a so-called “MrBeast Grants Fund.” This brazen scam has been spreading rapidly on social platforms like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.

Mr.Beast Grants Scam Scam

Overview of the Scam’s Operations

The MrBeast Grants Fund scam works by propagating forged and deceptive posts that carry MrBeast’s profile photo and display messages that were never actually authored by him. These fabricated messages encourage viewers to text or email for information about a special Christmas grant program that will supposedly award them non-refundable money to pay off personal debts or business expenses.

To appear more convincing, the scammers use sophisticated tactics like fake celebrity endorsement videos generated by deep fake AI and showing fictitious Tweets from MrBeast. But it’s all an elaborate ruse intended to fool unwary social media users and steal their personal financial information.

Crafting Deceitful Posts Mimicking MrBeast

The scam’s success hinges completely on impersonating MrBeast in posts that announce nonexistent grant programs. The scammers put together entirely fake Tweets making it seem like MrBeast wrote the following (or similar):

“In the spirit of Christmas, text the word Mr Beast Grants to (213) 842-0988 for free non refundable grants. I’m giving away Christmas funding to individuals and business owners to pay off personal and business debt. This opportunity is available for the next 48 hours to persons above 18. Good luck.”

“Email the word “Mr Beast Grants” to for free non refundable grants. I’m giving awa some money to individuals and bussiness owners to help in 2023. This oportunity is available for the next 48 hoursto persons above 18. Good luck #grants”.

These messages are crafted to persuade viewers that MrBeast is personally pledging his own money to give away grants to those facing financial struggles. The promise of free money understandably gives struggling individuals hope.

Other variations show AI-generated deep fake videos depicting MrBeast announcing similar non-existent opportunities. All these posts drive the scam by falsely associating MrBeast with fake grant programs.

Luring Victims via Text and Email

When people respond to the deceptive social posts, the scammers instruct them to text or email per the contact info shown. This initiates engagement with the scammers operating behind the scenes.

The domain names used in the scam like and are intended to reinforce the supposed connection to MrBeast. But it’s just a farce to build trust for purposes of stealing personal data.

Requesting Personal Financial Information

Upon receiving texts and emails from victims, the scammers pose as representatives of the fictional “MrBeast Grants Fund” to request extensive personal financial records like:

  • Identification documents
  • Bank statements
  • Income statements
  • Tax returns
  • Business financial statements
  • Assets/liabilities forms

They justify these invasive data requests by claiming a review process is needed to verify eligibility and qualification for the fake grants. But in reality, they plan to commit identity fraud using the data.

The scammers also commonly demand upfront payment of taxes, bonds or processing fees before funds can be released. This is simply a ploy to directly steal money. No grants ever materialize.

By illegally obtaining such sensitive personal and financial information on victims, the scammers position themselves to commit various forms of fraud leading to stolen money and ruined credit.

How the MrBeast Grant Fund Scam Actually Works

Now that the general overview has been covered, let’s explore step-by-step how scammers operate the MrBeast Grants Fund scam from start to finish:

Step 1: Creating Fake Social Media Posts

The scammers begin by fabricating social media posts announcing a special Christmas grant program supposedly funded by MrBeast himself to help people pay off debts.

They design fake Tweets and deep fake videos closely mimicking MrBeast’s profile and personal communication style. These forged posts present MrBeast as personally pledging his own money to give sizeable grants to struggling individuals and business owners.

Of course the real MrBeast is completely unassociated with these fraudulent announcements. But the scammers leverage his reputation for running legitimate promotional events.

Step 2: Propagating Deceptive Posts

Once the fraudulent MrBeast social posts are created, the scammers distribute them across various platforms like TikTok, Facebook and Instagram by:

  • Paying influencers on these channels to feature the posts to their large followings
  • Using engagement bots to automatically mass-share the posts virally
  • Buying ads to promote them
  • Hijacking related hashtags

This bombardment strategy exposes the fake grant announcements to enormous audiences, maximizing the pool of potential victims.

Step 3: Collecting Responses

The deceptive posts instruct interested respondents to text or email per the contact info provided to connect with the non-existent MrBeast Grants Fund. As people reach out via text and email, the scammers now have leads to target.

They track all responses through centralized inboxes, survellience software and labeled phone lines. This lets them handle all communications securely from a unified interface when engaging with victims.

Step 4: Seeding False Hope

Upon receiving texts and emails from respondents, the scammers now engage targets directly while posing as reps of the so-called MrBeast Grants Fund. They express glee about the person’s interest and encourage hope of being selected.

After building initial rapport under the guise of the MrBeast association, they then request extensive personal financial records to allegedly verify eligibility.

This fosters false hope in victims that they will receive free grant money for the holidays. In reality, the data will facilitate identity fraud. But the tactics pressure compliant disclosure.

Step 5: Committing Fraud

Armed with Social Security numbers, bank records, tax returns and other sensitive financial data on victims, the scammers now position themselves to commit various fraudulent schemes including:

  • Credit card fraud: Applying for brand new lines of credit to max out
  • Loan fraud: Taking out loans with no intention of paying back
  • Government benefit fraud: Enrolling into assistance programs
  • Domain fraud: Using credentials to steal web assets
  • Tax fraud: Filing fake returns for large refunds
  • Merchant account fraud: Opening accounts to process fake charges

Additionally, the personal data itself holds high black market value for enabling all types of identity theft.

As a result, the scammers directly profit from the sale and exploitation of the information provided by victims, even if no money changed hands initially. This can have catastrophic financial consequences like drained accounts, ruined credit and more for those unfortunate enough to have trusted the MrBeast grants scam.

How to Spot This Scam on Social Media

With the MrBeast Grants Fund scam spreading primarily through social channels, it’s important to understand how to recognize it on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The following provides platform-specific guidance on identifying signs of the fraudulent grant program.

Spotting the Scam on Facebook

On Facebook, be wary of sponsored posts or ads that promote free grant money from MrBeast. The scam posts often utilize profile pictures of MrBeast and display fictitious Tweets or statements affiliated with a grants fund in his name.

Some signs it’s a scam include:

  • Messages urging viewers to text a provided phone number to claim grants
  • Poor grammar, spelling mistakes, or sentence structure clearly not matching MrBeast’s writing voice
  • Links prompting personal information submissions or payments to a website with a dubious URL

Facebook’s ad transparency features can help confirm valid sponsors. But also directly contact MrBeast representatives if unsure of a grant program’s legitimacy tied to his brand on Facebook.

Spotting the Scam on Instagram

Scammers promote the fake MrBeast grants through Instagram influencer partnerships and hashtag hijacking. Profile photos of MrBeast added to captions lend false credibility.

Watch for:

  • Instagram Stories or posts from lesser-known accounts related to contests claiming affiliation with MrBeast
  • Being asked to visit external websites or submit personal financial information to enter or claim grants
  • Language regarding taxes, fees, bonds or processing costs for releasing funds

Verify sponsorships or campaign associations directly with MrBeast’s official Instagram account before engaging on Instagram.

Spotting the Scam on TikTok

On TikTok, aggregated reuploads, deep fakes, and video edits of MrBeast may be used to depict him announcing special grants bearing his name.

Be skeptical of:

  • Videos focused on obtaining users’ data or demanding money before releasing funds
  • Links to external websites for grants application submissions in TikTok captions
  • Comments disabled to suppress scam warnings from other viewers

Check that any MrBeast TikTok account posting about monetary rewards has a verified blue checkmark icon before trusting claims. Report suspected fake accounts or impersonators also.

Stay alert on social channels for signs of deception related to the MrBeast Grants Fund scam across Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Think twice when asked to submit personal information or payment to secure advertised funding.

What To Do If You Already Fell Victim

If you fear you may have fallen prey to the cruel MrBeast grants scam described above, stay calm but treat this as an emergency. Time is critical when financial data lands in the hands of fraudsters. So use this checklist to respond immediately:

Step 1: Contact Banks and Creditors

Your top priority is placing anti-fraud protections on your financial accounts. Call to inform your:

  • Bank
  • Credit card companies
  • Investment firms
  • Other lenders

Ask to implement heightened security protocols like fraud alerts, account freezes and stronger authentication requirements for transactions. This helps block fraudulent activity under your identity.

Also carefully review statements and transactions for signs of unauthorized access like new accounts or ATM withdrawals in unfamiliar locations. Watch for such red flags daily as part of intensified monitoring.

Step 2: Report Identity Theft

Since the scammers now likely possess extensive personal data enabling identity theft, formally document this crime with authorities by:

  • Filing detailed FTC complaints outlining exactly how your information was compromised. This is formally added to the federal identity theft database for reference by creditors assessing fraud claims.
  • Submitting police reports on the incident to strengthen fraud cases when disputing issues with institutions. Some may require official law enforcement reports to substantiate claims.

Make copies of these filings to share as proof of criminality behind affected accounts or credit applications.

Step 3: Lock Down Credit Reports

Protect your credit history from abuse related to the stolen credentials and data via security freezes on files at Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. This blocks access for new credit applications without explicit approval.

Also order free copies of current credit reports from each agency to review for unauthorized accounts or inquiries from lenders played by the scammers. Report any suspicious entries for investigation.

Check back frequently on the latest versions of all reports to catch improper activity indicating early stages of identity theft that require intervention.

Step 4: Reset All Account Passwords

With troves of personal data exposes, assume the scammers may possess or can guess credentials for accessing your online accounts related to:

  • Email
  • Banking
  • Taxes
  • Investments
  • Domain registrars
  • Other financial services

Reset strong unique passwords everywhere as a safeguard. Enable two-factor authentication also for additional account security.

This protects against fraud, password dumping attacks, or direct logins using exposed credentials from pilfered records.

Step 5: Seek Legal Counsel

Finally, consider engaging qualified legal counsel from a cybercrime practice group to uphold your rights and best interests. An attorney can:

  • Strategically correspond with law enforcement, creditors and merchants disputing fraudulent issues
  • Legally compel monitoring and protections related to the compromised data
  • Force accountability and potentially litigate damages if injuries related to the scam presence
  • Negotiate improved victim protections concerning your case

Though expensive, a law firm may greatly aid managing exposed data risks in the aftermath.

Stay persistent resolving all suspicious issues resulting from this scam across accounts and credit reports. Do not allow frustration over the deception to enable lingering fraud from the stolen information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wondering if those posts touting an amazing grant opportunity from MrBeast are for real? Get the truth on this scam’s inner workings through some common questions.

What exactly is the MrBeast Grants Fund scam?

The MrBeast Grants Fund scam uses deceptive social media posts impersonating famous YouTuber MrBeast to fool people into providing their personal financial information and money. By falsely claiming he is giving away special “Christmas grants” or funding to pay off debts, scammers trick struggling individuals into handing over data and cash thinking they’ll get free financial assistance. In reality, the scammers steal identities and money without providing any actual grants or relief.

How do scammers carry out this scam?

Scammers create fake social media accounts, posts and ads mimicking MrBeast announcing special holiday grants bearing his name. They distribute these across platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok using bots, influencers and hashtags to reach more potential victims. When people inquire about the grants, scammers posing as “Fund representatives” request extensive financial records supposedly to verify eligibility. Victims hand over the sensitive personal data thinking they’re getting vetted for free grant money. But the scammers use the info for identity fraud.

What techniques do the scammers use?

Beyond impersonation and fabricated posts, scammers use sophisticated tactics like:

  • Deep fake AI video edits showing MrBeast discussing nonexistent grants
  • Fake Tweets made to look like sent directly from MrBeast
  • Influencer marketing partnerships propagating deceptive content
  • Hashtag hijacking on social sites to enhance visibility
  • Lead generation bots responding automatically to collect contact info

These unethical practices exploit MrBeast’s famous reputation and hijack social platforms to lend credibility while systematically targeting struggling individuals facing financial hardship.

What data do victims end up providing?

Victims hand over highly sensitive materials the scammers claim are needed to assess eligibility, including:

  • Government ID copies
  • Bank statements
  • Tax returns
  • Income statements
  • Business financial records
  • Assets/debts forms

This amount of financial data is more than enough for full identity theft and targeted fraud.

Does MrBeast have any connection at all to this scam?

No. MrBeast and his companies have absolutely no involvement whatsoever with any grants program bearing his name. He has not funded, endorsed, or announced any Christmas financial assistance events for individuals as promoted by scammers. Any posts claiming otherwise using his brand or likeness are falsified by third parties without permission.

What risks do victims of this scam face?

Beyond wasted time chasing false promises, victims can suffer:

  • Accounts drained directly by scammers
  • Credit cards opened fraudulently
  • New loans taken out unlawfully
  • Benefits stolen through government identity theft
  • Medical ID theft for healthcare fraud
  • Endless fights resolving identity theft issues

The impacts can be devastating. Anyone who provided info should take immediate fraud prevention steps covered in this guide.

The Bottom Line

The MrBeast Grants Fund scam displays coordinated deception orchestrated to misuse MrBeast’s famous reputation for charitable giving. By impersonating him in fabricated social posts that advertise fake free grant programs for debt relief, ruthless scammers manage to secure troves of personal financial data from struggling victims seeking relief.

This sets the stage for fraudulent abuse involving credit cards, loans, government benefits and even sale of identities on the black market. The sensitive information provided facilitates these criminal schemes that allow the scammers and their partners to potentially profit directly from exploiting victims further through ruinous identity theft.

So remember – no matter how legitimate or generous offers associated with celebrity figures may appear, always verify directly with the celebrity source before providing personal data. In this case, MrBeast himself has absolutely no connection or affiliation with any sort of holiday grant program for individual funding. Confirmed frauds can be reported officially to the FTC and local law enforcement. But the best protection is simply avoidance from participation despite convincing appearances.

With the popularity of influencers like MrBeast soaring on social channels, expect scam trends imitating them to persist as well. Stay skeptical of improbable offers in order to protect personal information and ultimately your finances from fraud.

How to Stay Safe Online

Here are 10 basic security tips to help you avoid malware and protect your device:

  1. Use a good antivirus and keep it up-to-date.

    Shield Guide

    It's essential to use a good quality antivirus and keep it up-to-date to stay ahead of the latest cyber threats. We are huge fans of Malwarebytes Premium and use it on all of our devices, including Windows and Mac computers as well as our mobile devices. Malwarebytes sits beside your traditional antivirus, filling in any gaps in its defenses, and providing extra protection against sneakier security threats.

  2. Keep software and operating systems up-to-date.


    Keep your operating system and apps up to date. Whenever an update is released for your device, download and install it right away. These updates often include security fixes, vulnerability patches, and other necessary maintenance.

  3. Be careful when installing programs and apps.

    install guide

    Pay close attention to installation screens and license agreements when installing software. Custom or advanced installation options will often disclose any third-party software that is also being installed. Take great care in every stage of the process and make sure you know what it is you're agreeing to before you click "Next."

  4. Install an ad blocker.

    Ad Blocker

    Use a browser-based content blocker, like AdGuard. Content blockers help stop malicious ads, Trojans, phishing, and other undesirable content that an antivirus product alone may not stop.

  5. Be careful what you download.

    Trojan Horse

    A top goal of cybercriminals is to trick you into downloading malware—programs or apps that carry malware or try to steal information. This malware can be disguised as an app: anything from a popular game to something that checks traffic or the weather.

  6. Be alert for people trying to trick you.

    warning sign

    Whether it's your email, phone, messenger, or other applications, always be alert and on guard for someone trying to trick you into clicking on links or replying to messages. Remember that it's easy to spoof phone numbers, so a familiar name or number doesn't make messages more trustworthy.

  7. Back up your data.

    backup sign

    Back up your data frequently and check that your backup data can be restored. You can do this manually on an external HDD/USB stick, or automatically using backup software. This is also the best way to counter ransomware. Never connect the backup drive to a computer if you suspect that the computer is infected with malware.

  8. Choose strong passwords.

    lock sign

    Use strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts. Avoid using personal information or easily guessable words in your passwords. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your accounts whenever possible.

  9. Be careful where you click.

    cursor sign

    Be cautious when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. These could potentially contain malware or phishing scams.

  10. Don't use pirated software.

    Shady Guide

    Avoid using Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file-sharing programs, keygens, cracks, and other pirated software that can often compromise your data, privacy, or both.

To avoid potential dangers on the internet, it's important to follow these 10 basic safety rules. By doing so, you can protect yourself from many of the unpleasant surprises that can arise when using the web.

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