Thanks for that, I use HMPA as a part of my main protection.
Looks like I may be testing some more sig-less solutions after all,
just to have on standby.
Thanks for the quickie CruelSis lol
according to my test, appcheck performed similarly to HMPA
It blocked most of the ransomwares but completely failed against a few ransomwares. Some ransomwares encrypted the files and appcheck could only restore ~80% of those
It failed against MBR ransomware like petya (as expected)
in the Pro version with the MBR function enabled AC is proof against MBR lockers (Petya Red, Green, and Yellow; Satana 1 and 2; Mamba). As to a true comparison between the products (Paid vs Paid), I hope you will view this week's video.
Actually most corporate endpoint protection products implement updates and new features significantly later than their consumer counterparts. The consumer serves as the beta and compatibility tester in this regard.