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- Apr 24, 2016
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Let’s make one thing clear first: I’m not singling out Google’s handling of problematic and malicious browser extensions because it is worse than Microsoft’s for example. No, Microsoft is probably even worse but I never bothered finding out. That’s because Microsoft Edge doesn’t matter, its market share is too small. Google Chrome on the other hand is used by around 90% of the users world-wide, and one would expect Google to take their responsibility to protect its users very seriously, right? After all, browser extensions are one selling point of Google Chrome, so certainly Google would make sure they are safe?
Unfortunately, my experience reporting numerous malicious or otherwise problematic browser extensions speaks otherwise. Google appears to take the “least effort required” approach towards moderating Chrome Web Store. Their attempts to automate all things moderation do little to deter malicious actors, all while creating considerable issues for authors of legitimate add-ons. Even when reports reach Google’s human moderation team, the actions taken are inconsistent, and Google generally shies away from taking decisive actions against established businesses.
As a result, for a decade my recommendation for Chrome users has been to stay away from Chrome Web Store if possible. Whenever extensions are absolutely necessary, it should be known who is developing them, why, and how the development is being funded. Just installing some extension from Chrome Web Store, including those recommended by Google or “featured,” is very likely to result in your browsing data being sold or worse.

Chrome Web Store is a mess
The post details Google’s lax enforcement of their policies in Chrome Web Store, resulting in a flood of spam submissions, add-ons “legitimately” stealing users’ data and outright malicious extensions not being addressed. At this point Chrome Web Store is a very dangerous mess for users.