True as much so a Zemana is concerned. It does seem it should work on all browsers, unless Chrome itself has some built in protections to do with keylogging.
EDIT: OK, look at the most recent messages. Lesson learned
We have alike minds, we keep writing similar things and then you notice I was quicker to hit that Post Reply button
And Chrome works differently to browsers like Internet Explorer. To hook the keyboard in Chrome directly you'd need to hook the SSL_ functions in nss3.dll library. E.g. nss3.dll!SSL_Write function. But I doubt it has anything to do with this, probably just a software bug really. Browsers like IE use Win32 functions like HttpSendRequestW which can be hooked for info.
That being said, Google Chrome does have a sandbox container within it to improve it's protection mechanisms against malware attacks, but I don't think it really does the job because malware still has no problem injecting into it and setting local hooks to monitor credentials and log them.
Zemana Anti-Logger most likely blocks logging via Win32 API functions such as SetWindowsHookExA/W also. However, I recon they hook NtUserSetWindowsHookEx (kernel-mode only function, not exported by ntdll.dll) as opposed to user-mode hook on the Win32 API functions. Which may be related to a problem on x86 -> x64. But this is just a quick theory really.
I know Zemana Anti-Logger hook SetWinEventHook (Win32 API function) though, and they also re-map the keys at some point.
Edit: Originally I said PR_ functions (e.g. PR_Write) but this is for Firefox, changed to SLL_Write (since SLL_ functions are for Chrome). Got mixed up originally, my apologies.