Are we alone? The question is worthy of serious scientific study

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Level 26
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Aug 17, 2017
Why don’t astronomers see UFOs?

I am often asked by friends and colleagues, “Why don’t astronomers see UFOs?” The fact is that they do. In 1977, Peter Sturrock, a professor of space science and astrophysics at Stanford University, mailed 2,611 questionnaires about UFO sightings to members of the American Astronomical Society. He received 1,356 responses from which 62 astronomers – 4.6 percent – reported witnessing or recording inexplicable aerial phenomena. This rate is similar to the approximately 5 percent of UFO sightings that are never explained.

As expected, Sturrock found that astronomers who witnessed UFOs were more likely to be night sky observers. Over 80 percent of Sturrock’s respondents were willing to study the UFO phenomenon if there was a way to do so. More than half of them felt that the topic deserves to be studied versus 20 percent who felt that it should not. The survey also revealed that younger scientists were more likely to support the study of UFOs.

UFOs have been observed through telescopes. I know of one telescope sighting by an experienced amateur astronomer in which he observed an object shaped like a guitar pick moving through the telescope’s field of view. Further sightings are documented in the book “Wonders in the Sky,” in which the authors compile numerous observations of unexplained aerial phenomena made by astronomers and published in scientific journals throughout the 1700s and 1800s.

Evidence from government and military officers

Some of the most convincing observations have come from government officials. In 1997, the Chilean government formed the organization Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos, or CEFAA, to study UFOs. Last year, CEFAA released footage of a UFO taken with a helicopter-mounted Wescam infrared camera.

Declassified document describing a sighting of a UFO in December 1977, in Bahia, a state in northern Brazil. Arquivo Nacional Collection

The countries of Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom have been declassifying their UFO files since 2008. The French Committee for In-Depth Studies, or COMETA, was an unofficial UFO study group comprised of high-ranking scientists and military officials that studied UFOs in the late 1990s. They released the COMETA Report, which summarized their findings. They concluded that 5 percent of the encounters were reliable yet inexplicable: The best hypothesis available was that the observed craft were extraterrestrial. They also accused the United States of covering up evidence of UFOs. Iran has been concerned about spherical UFOs observed near nuclear power facilities that they call “CIA drones” which reportedly are about 30 feet in diameter, can achieve speeds up to Mach 10, and can leave the atmosphere. Such speeds are on par with the fastest experimental aircraft, but unthinkable for a sphere without lift surfaces or an obvious propulsion mechanism.

1948 Top Secret USAF UFO extraterrestrial document. United States Air Force

In December 2017, The New York Times broke a story about the classified Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, which was a $22 million program run by the former Pentagon official Luis Elizondo and aimed at studying UFOs. Elizondo resigned from running the program protesting extreme secrecy and the lack of funding and support. Following his resignation Elizondo, along with several others from the defense and intelligence community, were recruited by the To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science, which was recently founded by Tom DeLonge to study UFOs and interstellar travel. In conjunction with the launch of the academy, the Pentagon declassified and released three videos of UFO encounters taken with forward looking infrared cameras mounted on F-18 fighter jets. While there is much excitement about such disclosures, I am reminded of a quote from Retired Army Colonel John Alexander: “Disclosure has happened. … I’ve got stacks of generals, including Soviet generals, who’ve come out and said UFOs are real. My point is, how many times do senior officials need to come forward and say that this is real?”

A topic worthy of serious study

There is a great deal of evidence that a small percentage of these UFO sightings are unidentified structured craft exhibiting flight capabilities beyond any known human technology. While there is no single case for which there exists evidence that would stand up to scientific rigor, there are cases with simultaneous observations by multiple reliable witnesses, along with radar returns and photographic evidence revealing patterns of activity that are compelling.

Declassified information from covert studies is interesting, but not scientifically helpful. This is a topic worthy of open scientific inquiry, until there is a scientific consensus based on evidence rather than prior expectation or belief. If there are indeed extraterrestrial craft visiting Earth, it would greatly benefit us to know about them, their nature and their intent. Moreover, this would present a great opportunity for mankind, promising to expand and advance our knowledge and technology, as well as reshaping our understanding of our place in the universe.

Full article and Source Are we alone? The question is worthy of serious scientific study


Level 36
Top Poster
Jan 28, 2018
I feel that the development of CG is also interfering with the study of ufo's mystery. In the past, the video of ufo shot was definitive evidence. However, recently many well-made fakes have circulated, I think that there is a tendency that the ambiguity of truth is increasing.


Level 26
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Aug 17, 2017
Set all media aside, visual or written, mathematically or statistically not only are there other inhabited planets but many would be very similar to Earth and Us, some would be behind us, some would be ahead, some would have already destroyed themselves, the variations nearly endless, consider dinosaurs.
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Level 36
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May 13, 2017
When talking about UFO, there are 2 other major possibilities.

1. It might be people from the past, who simply left the Earth, like from Atlantis. By looking at the history, there is a lot references about flying gods.
2. It might be people from the future, who study their own past. Obviously no interference is allowed, so they avoid contact and just cause a little stir.


Level 36
Top Poster
Jan 28, 2018
We are not alone of course that's mathematically impossible.
Lot of trustworthy people (astronomers, high-ranking soldiers, pilots, astronauts) reported UFO encounter. However UFO doesn't mean Alien!
When confirming that an Alien is on board, it will not be 'unconfirmed', but it may be called 'ufo' in the sense of 'vehicles of unknown people'.;)

Assuming that we are the position of the side we visit and we have discovered a planet that is similar to the Earth by navigating the universe, I think that this video is very convincing.
When creating land, humans are unconsciously chasing away the animals living there.:unsure:
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Level 1
Apr 11, 2018
We are not alone in the universe that is not in question as far as I am concerned. Interesting that that the deep sea has been mentioned. It is very neglected as far as exploration for sure.


Level 36
Top Poster
Jan 28, 2018
I think that the universe and the deep ocean are connected with each other in a common term 'an unknown world with gravity disability and no light'.
It is fantastic, but it is interesting if the end place of outer space and deep ocean are connected like a Moebius ring.


Staff Member
Malware Hunter
Jul 27, 2015
More then 500 been out in space but only, 3 have ever visited the Mariana Trench that is the deepest point in the oceans. That says alot IMO and consider that the Oceans produce half of the oxygen of the planet. Cut down more of the forrest that produce the rest of our oxygen along with grass and plants. Keep polluting the sea and ignore the actual issues and mother nature will sooner or later burp us out of existens either we like it or not.

Here's some fun facts about oxygen that might be interesting. Wait for the end point. ;)

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Level 18
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Nov 15, 2016
My belief is that were not alone in the universe. It has to be pretty obvious to any relatively intelligent individual. Considering the amount of stars within our galaxy alone just say around 100 billion to start. There is easily 100's of billions of planets orbiting these stars altogether. Its going to take ages to sift through all within our own galaxy let alone neighboring galaxies. Will this life be intelligent? Maybe, maybe not. I honestly do not care if its intelligent at all or not. As long as its there to shove in the faces of ignorant people within this planet that deny life beyond Earth. Oh, and those pesky flat Earthers that are still out there that still believe everything in the universe revolves around us. UFO's (Unidentified Flying Object), that's a different story. I believe, and this is just me, i believe we have not seen a single extraterrestrial so called Alien space ship. I tend not to follow eye witness testimony, even though that's what we use in court. Also figure our nearest star to our own is Proxima Centauri as far as i know. Its at a distance of 4.35 light years. It takes at the speed of light which is the fastest speed we know of almost four in a half years to travel from Proxima Centauri to our own Sun. That's at a speed of 186,282 miles per second If the UFO's we have debated back and forth over the years have accomplished traveling at the speed of light then i give them props. They are indeed very intelligent. Or maybe they found a way to bend space time? Essentially time travel. Just using those 2 examples, if they have not found a way to do both then i suspect they must have a really long life expectancy. I would be interested to know how they feed, if they do at all. Or how about water? etc. etc.

@upnorth, what you bring up is a totally other subject. I agree with what you said about spending some more time studying our own planet instead of looking for others. I just see we have more scientists and upcoming scientists that are more and more interested in our universe then our own planet. Were kinda in the beginning stages of the golden age of space exploration still. It will only keep growing. The other issue i see are politicians that sway the majority of people to believe there is nothing wrong with what were doing on Earth. No consequences for the future generations. Also for example, take the US Government, there is no motive to dive down to the bottom of Marianas Trench that would benefit the countries prestige in the world. It would not be for science.

This topic can go on and on. :LOL:


Level 5
Jun 7, 2018
I just see we have more scientists and upcoming scientists that are more and more interested in our universe then our own planet.
Afaik, only some astronomers are solely "interested in the universe". The rest of all the scientific community is either researching fundamentals or are specifically researching things that are only existent on our planet, afawk. On the other hand, practically all of astronomy is also applicable on our planet or has effects on it, therefore your observation is biased. :)
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ForgottenSeer 58943

I know plenty of Astronomers, and most I talk to see UFO's.

I myself have a 12" Dobsonian, and have seen a pretty significant number of UFO's. My theory is, they utilize sophisticated microwave technology and can detect observation of themselves. That disappearing act and other things may simply be microwave or human visual cortex manipulation. Nevertheless, if I was a bettin' man, I'd put bets on 'them' already being here, and potentially already well established.


Staff Member
Malware Hunter
Jul 27, 2015
@upnorth, what you bring up is a totally other subject.

Also for example, take the US Government, there is no motive to dive down to the bottom of Marianas Trench that would benefit the countries prestige in the world. It would not be for science.

This topic can go on and on. :LOL:

Well yes and no. I consider them bound to eachother as for example Oxygen is not only existing here on our planet but is a key element in the Universe ( number 3 after Hydrogen and Helium ) and also Aliens in space use it but I do ofcourse point more as noted on the study/exploration of our own planet first then others as it is after all here we live and not in space, well some seam to do and that could be another thread. :oops:

Maybe not a motive to dive down to the exact point of Marianas Trench but who knows what possibly lays/hides there. We do for sure reach for the stars to find something and I don't have an issue with the idea but normal care about your own house ( Tellus ) and have that clean and good looking first should be common sense. Also Deep Sea mining that the US Government is involved with contradicts that it wouldn't benefit but thats more about profit then real science.

I fully agree that the topic can go on and on, but I like that. :D:emoji_popcorn:
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