Unlimited Giveaway Ashampoo WinOptimizer 26 for free

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Level 17
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Mar 9, 2019
Ashampoo WinOptimizer
WinOptimizer 26 cleans, protects, and optimizes your PC as no other program can. Gain new disk space, disable unwanted services and boost your PC performance to the max! Protect your privacy and customize Windows to your needs. Enjoy the steady performance and a lean, secure system!

Analyze and accelerate boot times with Boot Center
Autorun module with startup times for individual programs and system apps
Manage and disable Windows tasks individually
Powerful Privacy Manager module to disable Windows telemetry
Totally overhauled 1-Click Optimizer
Extended system analysis for fast all-round optimization
Process Manager with in-depth information for professionals
Dynamic dashboards with new features and settings
Find more extensions with up-to-date Browser Extension Manager
Direct cookie management with Internet Cleaner
Handy tooltips with context-sensitive help information for important features
Faster drive analysis in Disk Doctor
Up-to-date cleaners
Filters for better results in Duplicate Finder
Auto-emptying of Windows recycle bin
Greatly reduced memory consumption in multiple modules

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