AV-TEST AV-Test.org Windows 10: June 2020

  1. This test shows how an antivirus behaves with certain threats, in a specific environment and under certain conditions.
    We encourage you to compare these results with others and take informed decisions on what security products to use.
    Before buying an antivirus you should consider factors such as price, ease of use, compatibility, and support. Installing a free trial version allows an antivirus to be tested in everyday use before purchase.


Level 39
Top Poster
Apr 1, 2019
Drivers and other software that creates same outcome on 3 entirely different platforms (3 different platforms from 2 different vendors, AMD and Intel)? I've been long enough into computers to know that's entirely unlikely. And I'd understand on netbook with Atom CPU, borderline insufficient RAM capacity and crappy slow eMMC storage, but I see the same on a desktop that's many many levels faster and higher capacity in every single aspect.
I guess you didn't sepcifically state how you defined slowly loading, so I may be guilty of making assumptions. The 2 seconds (in my experience) of scanning and icons loading isn't an issue for me as I don't open folders like this often. Maybe if you regularly do this it is more annoying? Also, a lot of AVs scan on execution rather than on access. Some give the option for one or the other. WD loves to scan when you open folders, and that's fine with me since it doesn't cause me issues. So, maybe I am seeing the same behavior, but this is definitely not a deal breaker for everyone. Also, it doesn't make WD patently slow, it makes it slow at scanning on access. Which, in that case, I agree it is slower than many other AVs on accessing exes and scripts, and can be problematic for people who are inconvenienced by this. My only points were a) 'slow' is defined many ways, b) horsepower aside there are many working parts on many PCs and performance varies regardless of raw horsepower, and c) 'light' is another loosely defined term that is thrown around that means different things to different people. I totally understand why you don't care for Defender, and I'm glad you found a solution that works better for you. Other people may find Defender adequate, and I'm glad they can keep their systems clean of the extra issues that can come from third parties.

Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
Honorary Member
Top Poster
Dec 23, 2014
Guys, anyone can have different experiences with a particular AV. People have usually good reasons to avoid or dislike some AVs. That is normal. But, we should not start by assuming that our experience is better than others. We should not also generalize our bad or good experience with particular AV, because any personal experience is not statistically relevant.
The discussion about the validity of personal experience over the experience of other people is usually pointless and only bloats the thread. Insisting about the general validity of personal experience is irritating for others and can provoke "too personal" posts. All problems can be avoided if we simply assume that anyone can have the right to its own experience without blaming others that they want to bash or worship the particular AV.
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Level 23
Top Poster
Aug 19, 2019
These tests really are subjective. I enjoy reading them but more interested in real world test results. WD used to be really slow, particularly in XP and Vista days but in general I don't notice a great deal of slowing unless WD is scanning in the background which it seems to always do at the wrong time for me LOL. Vendors come and go but my advice to people is either use what Microsoft has built-in or go with the mainstream options. McAfee and Norton are practically given away these days (less that £20) for the year. McAfee was ok on my machine when I used it and haven't used Norton in years but it's meant to be a lot faster now too.

Anyway, if you want 3rd party AV to hook into your system to protect it, go with a third party option, otherwise WD, a useful tool like H_C and your good to go. These tests are just a guide and half the time AV labs pay and/or get samples early. I still remember the fiasco with av-comparatives and Comodo years ago.

Just my 2 pence...

P.S. The Total AV and SafetyDetectives.com is pretty much a paid for scam or at least biased reviews I read somewhere.


Level 12
Top Poster
Mar 28, 2019
the expression "travel in mayonnaise" or "you are traveling in mayonnaise" is used in Brazil :p :ROFLMAO:

Brazil: "Você tá viajando na maionese"
But...but...what does it mean!?

Edit: I looked it up, no need to explain. That made my day. I will now use that phrase.
HAHAHAH It's just a slang, you can't translate every word cause it doesn't make any sense. I always take care here to not say things that I'm not sure if everyone would understand.

But that slang means something like: You are making up things, this thing it's not true, it's something only from your mind.

And I'm seeing a lot of Brazilians here at MT, oi gente! (Quem sabe até podemos criar um canal no Discord?)


Level 39
Top Poster
Apr 1, 2019
HAHAHAH It's just a slang, you can't translate every word cause it doesn't make any sense. I always take care here to not say things that I'm not sure if everyone would understand.

But that slang means something like: You are making up things, this thing it's not true, it's something only from your mind.

And I'm seeing a lot of Brazilians here at MT, oi gente! (Quem sabe até podemos criar um canal no Discord?)
In graduate school I studied international management and relations. I like the variety of different cultures. On this board I find it adds to the personality of MT, it's part of what makes it a great community!

ForgottenSeer 72227

Another test, more bickering and back and forth :p

In all seriousness though, everyone will have different experiences with every AV. My experiences may be different than someone else's and that's cool. All in all we should all just use what works for us. This constant back and forth about WD is getting old. Overall WD is a great product, MS has done a great job with it. I personally have never had any issues with performance on any of my machines, especially having a bunch of exes in a folder. In fact I find it the lightest out of all the ones I've tried. That doesn't mean that everyone will have the same experience. Some find it slow and that's fine...don't use it.

Just because someone has x experience with a product doesn't mean that their experience (good, or bad) is "better, or more right" than another person's experience. Making sweeping generalizations one way, or another based on your own personal experience doesn't make it fact.

@RejZoR no offense and I mean this in the friendliness of ways, but your constant generalizations about WD is getting a little tiring and a little old. We get it, you don't like WD. That's fine, don't use it, no one is forcing you to use it. However, don't discount someone else's experience/opinion, because it doesn't match yours. Your expereinces are yours, and yours alone. That doesn't mean that someone else won't have a different expereince than you.
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Level 39
Top Poster
Apr 1, 2019
Another test, more bickering and back and forth :p

In all seriousness though, everyone will have different experiences with every AV. My experiences may be different than someone else's and that's cool. All in all we should all just use what works for us. This constant back and forth about WD is getting old. Overall WD is a great product, MS has done a great job with it. I personally have never had any issues with performance on any of my machines, especially having a bunch of exes in a folder. In fact I find it the lightest out of all the ones I've tried. That doesn't mean that everyone will have the same experience. Some find it slow and that's fine...don't use it.

Just because someone has x experience with a product doesn't mean that their experience (good, or bad) is "better, or more right" than another person's experience. Making sweeping generalizations one way, or another based on your own personal experience doesn't make it fact.

@RejZoR no offense and I mean this in the friendliness of ways, but your constant generalizations about WD is getting a little tiring and a little old. We get it, you don't like WD. That's fine, don't use it, no one is forcing you to use it. However, don't discount someone else's experience/opinion, because it doesn't match yours. Your expereinces are yours, and yours alone. That doesn't mean that someone else won't have a different expereince than you.
No bickering, I had to work overtime this weekend (from home, so not that bad), but I was procrastinating. :ROFLMAO: (y)

Andy Ful

From Hard_Configurator Tools
Honorary Member
Top Poster
Dec 23, 2014
My friend bought a new Dell laptop a few years ago. It had pretty good parameters, but it was very slow. This slowness was still present after debloating. I noticed two things that were also noticed by people on MT who had WD problem:
  • too high disk activity
  • too high WD activity
On my computers, this activity was usually equal to 0%. But, on the computer of my friend, it was usually 3-10% on idle.
Both parameters were visible in the task manager. Something probably worked on files in the background. I did not inspect this in detail. There could be many sources like: backup software, Windows File history, frequent software updates, factory firmware, etc.
I found a simple solution for her by installing a fresh Windows 10. I did not also install the factory firmware and factory drivers (except one driver). All configuration and drivers were managed by Windows 10. The result was shocking. The computer was literally twice as fast as before.


Level 23
Top Poster
Aug 19, 2019
Did you mean Microsoft Security Essentials?

Windows Defender was Antispyware only.

Your right, it was just anti-spyware back then. These days WD is a complete package. I've been sticking with it ever since discovering Hard_Configurator but I have been closely watching Comodo progress since I used it for so long before switching but I'm happy enough with the protection WD gives me.

ForgottenSeer 72227

My friend bought a new Dell laptop a few years ago. It had pretty good parameters, but it was very slow. This slowness was still present after debloating. I noticed two things that were also noticed by people on MT who had WD problem:
  • too high disk activity
  • too high WD activity
On my computers, this activity was usually equal to 0%. But, on the computer of my friend, it was usually 3-10% on idle.
Both parameters were visible in the task manager. Something probably worked on files in the background. I did not inspect this in detail. There could be many sources like: backup software, Windows File history, frequent software updates, factory firmware, etc.
I found a simple solution for her by installing a fresh Windows 10. I did not also install the factory firmware and factory drivers (except one driver). All configuration and drivers were managed by Windows 10. The result was shocking. The computer was literally twice as fast as before.

TBH I have the exact same experience as you. Not to go too far off-topic, but I don't know what it is with pre built PCs and performance. Hardware spec wise it should be totally fine, but something is off because when you use it the performance isn't where it should be based on specs. I don't know if it's due to all the crap apps they put on, or outdated/poorly made drivers, or maybe it's what they are doing for power management?:unsure:

Every time I get a new computer (one I didn't build myself), I usually just blow out Windows and start from scratch. Like you I just let Windows do it's thing and voila no issues and the performance improves greatly, at least in my experience. The only drivers I install are directly from the hardware vendor (ie: Intel, Nvidia, etc...) as they are more up to date than what many of the PC manufactures provide. On my laptop the only software I installed from the PC manufacturer was one to get the backlight on my keyboard working, other than that, it's just what comes with Windows and Intel drivers.


Level 33
Top Poster
May 10, 2019
The only drivers I install are directly from the hardware vendor (ie: Intel, Nvidia, etc...) as they are more up to date than what many of the PC manufactures provide.
Most of the times, at least in my experience, the drivers downloaded from the PC manufacturer website normally are more well-optimised and work better.


Level 15
Top Poster
Nov 26, 2016
Dude, you are traveling on mayonnaise, your comments are always calling other AV garbage and etc, generalizing everything, most users think WD is light, but only you (only) say that it sucks, except yours beloved avast, you are a funny figure. This is already boring and repetitive.

My "beloved" avast!. Except the fact I'm repeatedly mentioning Kaspersky Cloud Free and Bitdefender Free as another excellent and way higher performing products and also mentioned I've only managed to witness similarly crappy performance in Comodo and nowhere else. Somehow you managed to miss all that and went straight ahead calling me avast! fanboy and a Windows Defender hater. So much for drifting on mayonnaise...

Also you may hate on avast! all you want for their privacy bullshittery, but you can't argue with their performance metrics which are always top notch. Same goes for endless praising of Windows Defender how light and fast it is and it has never been light and especially not fast. This also gets boring and repetitive fast especially when I know it's slow as a turd sliding down a 3% slope. And if you haven't noticed I'm not arguing its protection because it has improved dramatically in that aspect. It used to be really crappy in the past, but it's something I'd rely on now. I just hate its atrocious speed that is the same ever since it was built into Windows and has hardly improved with many years already passed since then. Unlike other products that have done massive leaps in this department and are stupid fast while maintaining top notch protection.


Level 10
Sep 8, 2019
My "beloved" avast!. Except the fact I'm repeatedly mentioning Kaspersky Cloud Free and Bitdefender Free as another excellent and way higher performing products and also mentioned I've only managed to witness similarly crappy performance in Comodo and nowhere else. Somehow you managed to miss all that and went straight ahead calling me avast! fanboy and a Windows Defender hater. So much for drifting on mayonnaise...

Also you may hate on avast! all you want for their privacy bullshittery, but you can't argue with their performance metrics which are always top notch. Same goes for endless praising of Windows Defender how light and fast it is and it has never been light and especially not fast. This also gets boring and repetitive fast especially when I know it's slow as a turd sliding down a 3% slope. And if you haven't noticed I'm not arguing its protection because it has improved dramatically in that aspect. It used to be really crappy in the past, but it's something I'd rely on now. I just hate its atrocious speed that is the same ever since it was built into Windows and has hardly improved with many years already passed since then. Unlike other products that have done massive leaps in this department and are stupid fast while maintaining top notch protection.
Still praising avast I see, wasnt reddit enough to spread your message?


Level 15
Top Poster
Nov 26, 2016
Still praising avast I see, wasnt reddit enough to spread your message?

Are you illiterate or something? Go on, go straight past all the posts where I'm praising Kaspersky and Bitdefender and call me a f**king avast! fanboy. Jesus you people are worst than the actual fanboys. Also what's with f**king reddit? Just because I comment in r/antivirus where people unjustly bash avast! for things they clearly don't understand or just bash it because they heard something something about privacy something in the news somewhere or from a cousin of a friend's wife who knows someone that told them about "avast! selling user data!!!!!111" and now they are screaming how it sucks and how they sell user data. Whatever man. Not to mention I'm hardly active on avast! forums these days and when I am, I'm mostly agreeing with people asking for better privacy and better transparency and how popups with threatening tone are not cool way to market things. I've actually been vocal about that for quite a while. I'm just a nobody and their shareholders are everything. Hell, when I was more active, I stopped being a fanboy after few years because I realized complaining and asking to get things better does more good than just praising it for the sake of praising. The reason why I still recommend avast! is because it's still a great package and I always mention users should change privacy settings in every single post I make about it. So stop trying to throw feces in my face when you clearly haven't read a single damn Reddit post from me otherwise you'd know all this.


And yet it behaves the same on all 3 systems and is nowhere fast as avast!, Kaspersky Cloud or Bitdefender, yet it's somehow with them in the 6 score category. Ugh?!

It's also funny to compare all the above mentioned products to Windows Defender on "website performance" where avast!, Kaspersky and also Bitdefender do proper webpage scanning and analysis where Windows Defender just checks the URL and that's it. There is nothing to slow anything down, but also doesn't really add any protection value.

I don't need a timer when gap difference is so big it often crosses my mind that I haven't double clicked it correctly. And then it finally launches. With other AV's, the gap between double click and execution is so short I don't have time to ask myself that. Do you really need a "timer" for that?

10 or 20 EXE files is hardly "a lot". Yet Windows Defender still chokes on it like it's millions of them. No other antivirus does this.

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