Avast 7.0.1466 Final

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jim lin

Level 8
Thread author
Aug 6, 2012
Avast released service program update of avast! Free AV / Pro AV / Internet Security (7.0.1466)

This release includes following changes/fixes:
* Fixed "Black screen" syndrome
* Fixed crashes in IE WebRep module
* Fixed random switching to the Safezone
* Improved stability & performance of Outlook plugin
* Double VPS update sounds
* Fixed SNX issues
* Fixed some BSODs
* Fixed some leaks




Looks like their are not fixing the slowdowns on startup/reboot that has been going on since the first build of version 7.

BSODs were suppose to be fix one or two builds ago.

jim lin

Level 8
Thread author
Aug 6, 2012
users post about problems on there beta part of the forum and thay seem to not listen
and thay seem to just want crash dumps

and this beta went very fast with the regular forum members asking questions to the people
with trouble and not the Avast staff

i still like Avast very much but what a strange way to test software



jim lin said:
users post about problems on there beta part of the forum and thay seem to not listen
and thay seem to just want crash dumps

and this beta went very fast with the regular forum members asking questions to the people
with trouble and not the Avast staff

i still like Avast very much but what a strange way to test software


In other words, another rushed build...

They should give some time instead of rushing.


Retired Staff
May 3, 2011
The only problem that was driving me crazy was the double update sounds.
I disabled update sounds on my settings now maybe I can enable them again.

Update went smooth and no problems.



Avast Developer
Aug 21, 2012
Biozfear said:
In other words, another rushed build...

They should give some time instead of rushing.

With all respect, what makes you think the build was rushed? To the best of our knowledge, we have fixed pretty much all the material issues reported in the last version (at least those that we were able to replicate).

Do you have any specific problems with this new version, or were your statements just based on some of the posts on the Avast forum?



_Vlk said:
Biozfear said:
In other words, another rushed build...

They should give some time instead of rushing.

With all respect, what makes you think the build was rushed? To the best of our knowledge, we have fixed pretty much all the material issues reported in the last version (at least those that we were able to replicate).

Do you have any specific problems with this new version, or were your statements just based on some of the posts on the Avast forum?


Let's see:
How about the BSOD's that were supposed to be fixed before?
Ok perhaps BSOD's are hard to pinpoint and fix without much info from users, so I can understand and I will give the benefit of the doubt here.

What about the slowdown on boot and shutdown since version 7? Does not take a rocket scientist to identify the slowdown does it?

Just an FYI: I do not frequent the Avast Forum at all. I have used and still use avast! free in one of my systems simply because I hardly use it so with the slowdowns I can live with it and it is only a system I use for downloads.

But hey, install version 7 it on an i7 and tell me there is no slowdowns compared to version 6. Installing in an low end to mid end system the user will probably not notice but the scenario changes on a high end system.

Or how about the streaming updates that don't seem to work for some users? Ask in the forum here and you will get a few users apart from me.

As for the leaks: when it is announced it was fixed some leaks, what leaks are we referring to?

It is pointless and stating "Some" fixes were done when there is no relevant information whatsoever.

So yes, in my eyes is a rushed build.

The sounds issue could have easily been fixed and deployed and not have the users wait for other issues to be fixed and all being deployed at the same time. Also fixing the issues of the sound would not really require a beta testing right?

Instead of doing a build beta test and mix important fixes with less important fixes, how about releasing an update on low important stuff whilst the staff works on resolving the critical stuff asap and fine tune some existing problems and release that for beta testing?


Avast Developer
Aug 21, 2012
Biozfear said:
_Vlk said:
Biozfear said:
In other words, another rushed build...

They should give some time instead of rushing.

With all respect, what makes you think the build was rushed? To the best of our knowledge, we have fixed pretty much all the material issues reported in the last version (at least those that we were able to replicate).

Do you have any specific problems with this new version, or were your statements just based on some of the posts on the Avast forum?


Let's see:
How about the BSOD's that were supposed to be fixed before?
Ok perhaps BSOD's are hard to pinpoint and fix without much info from users, so I can understand and I will give the benefit of the doubt here.

What about the slowdown on boot and shutdown since version 7? Does not take a rocket scientist to identify the slowdown does it?

Just an FYI: I do not frequent the Avast Forum at all. I have used and still use avast! free in one of my systems simply because I hardly use it so with the slowdowns I can live with it and it is only a system I use for downloads.

But hey, install version 7 it on an i7 and tell me there is no slowdowns compared to version 6. Installing in an low end to mid end system the user will probably not notice but the scenario changes on a high end system.

Or how about the streaming updates that don't seem to work for some users? Ask in the forum here and you will get a few users apart from me.

As for the leaks: when it is announced it was fixed some leaks, what leaks are we referring to?

It is pointless and stating "Some" fixes were done when there is no relevant information whatsoever.

So yes, in my eyes is a rushed build.

The sounds issue could have easily been fixed and deployed and not have the users wait for other issues to be fixed and all being deployed at the same time. Also fixing the issues of the sound would not really require a beta testing right?

Instead of doing a build beta test and mix important fixes with less important fixes, how about releasing an update on low important stuff whilst the staff works on resolving the critical stuff asap and fine tune some existing problems and release that for beta testing?

Again. Do you have any specific problems with this build? BSODs? Slowdowns? Anyrhing else? I havent's seen any reports yet.



_Vlk said:
Again. Do you have any specific problems with this build? BSODs? Slowdowns? Anyrhing else? I havent's seen any reports yet.


Asking me some questions to evade my comments ain't really the best approach is it now? But let's see:

At no stage I said I have suffered from BSODs. What I said was and still is going to be the same thing: BSODs were supposed to be fixed a couple of builds ago, yet its supposed to be "fixed" on this build...

"Some fixes" where applied: What fixes? any concrete information? Sure there is but how about releasing it to the public?

As for the slowdowns, I am afraid nothing changed with this build. Still the same as it was since beginning version 7.

Now if I am solely the only user on the internet with slowdowns on boot and shutdown then I have nothing else to say. But I also will ask you this question: Is version 7 suppose to be faster, slower or the same with version 6 in terms of boot time, shut down time etc?

And I am rather interested in the Leaks fixes since I have not noticed anything different, so instead of defending a product in full force by evading certain aspects of my comments, have a full read at my comments once again.

You asked why my opinion was that the latest build was a rushed build. I answered and instead of agreeing or disagreeing (no one is forcing you to do so, so you can simply not reply if you wish), you simply ask me if I am having problems with the current build, which in other words evades my points.

Next time you wish to defend a product, which by all means I encourage, do it the proper way. Evading keypoints is not going to get you anywhere in a discussion.


Level 7
Apr 19, 2011
Updated through the program updater and it's working flawless here except for the Startup/Reboot slowdowns. It's not a big deal for me since there's no actual slowdowns when I'm using the PC. :)


New Member
Aug 22, 2012

You and I we both know Vlk and his team are not God...and BSod's for a product is very common and it is very hard to fix without much user info yes i agree with that...but vlk was just asking you if you have any problems...he was just willing to get info if you have any problem so he can fix those..he wasnt try to invade your replies...you said that the slow down are not fixed which is false!! no one on avast forums has not reported such a issue yet for 1466...so if you have any issues or slow downs report it on their forum..it aint not necessary if you have an issue then everybody should have also :rolleyes: and you know that every system is unique ...neither vlk nor i are trying to defend anybody..
So do you have any proof to back up your statements that says slow down still exist in this built?? do you see somebody reporting it on the current built on avast forum?? if so where??

So dont go around flaming avast and bloating this thread...your statements make no sense..even you know very well some problem will come in every built of a product some serious issues or minor issues..avast issues have been mainly with bsod's which now seems to be fixed...so thank god that avast has not been with many major issues..avira product has had major issues?? so why not go and shout out to them??

So if you dont have anything good to say dont say bad...


MKGuy said:

You and I we both know Vlk and his team are not God...and BSod's for a product is very common and it is very hard to fix without much user info yes i agree with that...but vlk was just asking you if you have any problems...he was just willing to get info if you have any problem so he can fix those..he wasnt try to invade your replies...you said that the slow down are not fixed which is false!! no one on avast forums has not reported such a issue yet...so if you have any issues or slow downs report it on their forum..it aint not necessary if you have an issue then everybody should have also :rolleyes: and you know that every system is unique ...neither vlk nor i are trying to defend anybody..

Right, so someone else now steps in. At least you read what Vlk hasn't.

First of all, until now I did not know Vlk works for avast. Regardless, like I said, when it comes to BSOD's, I could understand. My main concern and issue is: fixed some issues. What issues exactly? I am referring to the leaks. Nothing concrete is given to the public or am I the only one misinterpreting the term "some"?

Vlk's 2nd reply was rather evading my comments:
Again. Do you have any specific problems with this build? BSODs? Slowdowns? Anyrhing else? I havent's seen any reports yet.

I hope you are not telling me that this is how a user is suppose to approach someone with the "willingness" to resolve or attempt to resolve an issue is it?

Ok, that topic aside, let's concentrate on another issue:
According to Vlk, most issues that were reported were fixed correct? So how about the slow down on boot for example?


This is why I maintain my point of view: rushed build without fixing other issues that are critical.


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
Take a look at the date when this was reported...

it was far ago in july..and its with 1456 built.. :D

I do use avast by myself for my sister but i updated it today and for my sis the slow boot ups and slow downs are gone for now atleast..

And I and any other average user dont expect a detailed explaination of the list of things fixed ;) if you want too know PM vlk and ask him for the details...Simple as ever! my friend :p what's all about this fire!!

Of course dont tell me you didnt know vlk works for avast...because in the announcement topic link he is the only one who replied about script shield issue...So i guess no one is that dumb to understand if somebody talks about the issues going to be resolved anybody can guess he is one of the makers of the product.


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MKGuy: Looks like you edited the tread whilst I was posting my reply.

So since the edited part is not on the quoted parts I did on my previous post, I shall address the remaining:

Expecting me to post an issue of a slowdown when there is at least 2 threads in the avast forum without much development, I rather look somewhere else.

Slow downs still exist in the current build and I am not the only one saying that. Refer to Boxx comments as well.

As for this comment:
So dont go around flaming avast and bloating this thread...your statements make no sense..even you know very well some problem will come in every built of a product some serious issues or minor issues..avast issues have been mainly with bsod's which now seems to be fixed...so thank god that avast has not been with many major issues..avira product has had major issues?? so why not go and shout out to them??

Let's get one thing right: I never flamed or bashed at avast. I simply stated my opinion. If you don't agree, fine by me but turning around and saying my statements makes no sense, then I ask you to go back to the avast forums and start reading some of the threads there and start providing some support because from what I read in the avast forums, their support sure is lacking in some areas...

I am well aware that on new versions there are inevitable cases of chain reaction bugs etc, that is why there is beta stages. BSODs sure it was important but then I ask you: what about other issues? Since when was the slow down on boot fixed, according to patch notes? You are still going to tell me it never existed or that it magically got fixed?

Funny how you bring Avira to the discussion. Want a more up to date topic? Have a look at Wilder's and look at my post about the ESET 6 RC memory issues and remember, I have been an ESET user for quite some time.

One thing is to provide constructive feedback and opinions. Another is to simply defend something by A) evading comments and B) making assumptions.

On a side note: As for Avira, I can't comment since I have hardly use its products.


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
LOL! but you are talking about a problem in RC and beta builts..I am saying that avira had a problem with their proactive guard in the official built and that's what we are discussing right?? problems with official releases..so i guess you could go out and shout the same to them...Again Vlk never evaded you..he was willing to know ig you have reports about issues you say about...


Level 12
Nov 4, 2011
@biozfear: tick on " do not use chrome as avast's default browser" fixed slowdown issues for me while I was using build 1456...since I do not use Avast anymore so I can't say anything about latest build.....have you tried ticking do not use chrome as avast's default browser....


samit said:
@biozfear: tick on " do not use chrome as avast's default browser" fixed slowdown issues for me while I was using build 1456...since I do not use Avast anymore so I can't say anything about latest build.....have you tried ticking do not use chrome as avast's default browser....

I will try this option. I usually leave it on stock settings.

If however this is a temporary fix, then avast should look into this further. :)


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
Avast is obviously very excellent product but something is missing in this is that I wait for it at every update i.e.
Removable drive scanner
Every antivirus provides fullscan of removable drive when it is attached on computer & the scan starts automatically as soon as it is attached & it shows in the interface that it is scanning but avast doesnt do that.it has to start scan manually everytime it is attached.
If this limitation is solved then I will be greatfully thankfull.


New Member
Feb 24, 2011
sandeshmstry said:
Avast is obviously very excellent product but something is missing in this is that I wait for it at every update i.e.
Removable drive scanner
Every antivirus provides fullscan of removable drive when it is attached on computer & the scan starts automatically as soon as it is attached & it shows in the interface that it is scanning but avast doesnt do that.it has to start scan manually everytime it is attached.
If this limitation is solved then I will be greatfully thankfull.
It's a bit odd to join and make your first post a feature request.
Isn't it more likely that you'll be answered quicker on the actual Avast Forum?


Retired Staff
May 3, 2011
sandeshmstry said:
Avast is obviously very excellent product but something is missing in this is that I wait for it at every update i.e.
Removable drive scanner
Every antivirus provides fullscan of removable drive when it is attached on computer & the scan starts automatically as soon as it is attached & it shows in the interface that it is scanning but avast doesnt do that.it has to start scan manually everytime it is attached.
If this limitation is solved then I will be greatfully thankfull.

It is not necessary for Avast to do a full scan of removable devices.
By default Avast scans all autoruns located on Removable Devices.
It also scans when executing, opening and writing.

You can not get infected by just connecting a removable device unless it has an autorun located on it. It is advised to manually disable autoruns on USB devices, Microsoft has already did this on Vista and Windows 7 with a Windows Update patch.

If you try to manually open or run any files on your removable device then Avast does scan them.

If Avast by default scanned all files on every removable device connected then it would bloat it down and cause the connection to go very slow like other AV's which use more system resources.

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